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Aura Attention: Rituals to Keep Your Energy Field Clear

By Maggie 9 December 2022
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The Aura is an energetic radiance that is full of personal information. Read here what the aura consists of and how you keep shining.

aura color projection on wall over woman

According to many spiritual traditions, the Aura is a kind of force field that hangs around you. According to experts, it is full of information about your life and therefore every aura carries meaning. The existence of such an energy field has not been scientifically proven. Still, some people say they can see auras or feel them. Discover here what can be found in such a personal space and which rituals can help keep your energy field clear, bright, and colorful.

Layers of the Aura Definitions

According to many people, the aura resembles an oval capsule that consists of layers from the inside out. Opinions differ on how many layers there are to an aura, meaning that if you want to work with your aura, you’ll have to find the right system for you! The yoga philosophy, for example, assumes seven layers. Some aura readers work with twenty-one, while others stick to three or four ‘bodies’. These are the most well-known veils of the energy field as seen from the physical body:

  • Etheric Body
  • Emotional Body
  • Mental Body
  • Spiritual Body

Etheric Body

According to aura experts, this layer is closest to your physical body and provides it with life energy. The etheric field is said to consist of invisible lines of force such as the meridians or nadis. Here you could see the state of the material things in your life.

Emotional Body

In the second veil of the energy field, your emotions would be visible. According to readers, emotions have different colors, but more about that later. Not only would there be deep-rooted feelings in it, but also your mood at the moment.

Mental Body

In this part of the aura, your thoughts and beliefs would be legible, both conscious and unconscious. It also indicates how your intuition is developed.

Spiritual Body

This part of the aura is said to be the place where your soul expresses itself. According to experts, this is where your life mission and experiences of compassion, connection, and acceptance lie.

woman with aura prisma colors pink hair

Aura Colors Meaning

According to experience experts, you can see aura colors in the emotional layer of the energy field. Some people can do that with their naked eye and others can read the aura by taking special pictures of it. The most discussed colors in the aura are:

  • red
  • orange
  • range
  • yellow
  • green
  • blue
  • purple
  • white

According to energy experts, each color has its own character and expresses the presence of positive qualities. While the Aura is separate from the Chakras, the two are related and the colors of the Chakra Colors relate to what colors are showing in your aura. Below you can read what your personal palette has to say!

Red Aura Meaning

According to connoisseurs, different colors of red stand for powerful properties such as passion, zest for life, adventurousness, and physical vitality. Your Root Chakra is also red, which is our base of power, protection, and perseverance.

Orange Aura Meaning

Orange energy tells most energy readers something about creativity, joy, and emotional expression. Your orange Sacral Chakra is social and joyful as well.  Additionally it’s where our sensuality and warmth for others comes from, which are inseparable from the aura of joy and emotional expression!

Yellow Aura Meaning

When you encounter yellow in a personal space, according to experts, this indicates intelligence, organizational skills, practical optimism, humor, analytical, and social skills. Sound familiar? These are also qualities connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is also yellow!

Green Aura Meaning

Different shades of green, according to experienced readers, provide information about a personal sense of wholeness, cordiality, and harmony with life as it is. It might seem like common sense then that the Heart Chakra is green.  The 4th chakra helps you to love yourself and others and create harmony in your life.

Blue Aura Meaning

For many people, a blue aura has the quality of calmness, wisdom, and commitment to exploring personal or shared truths. Your blue Throat Chakra is all about communicating your truth to others.

Purple Aura Meaning

Purple hues in the energy field are said to symbolize the Third Eye’s intuitive abilities, imaginationv and interest in spiritual development.

White Aura Meaning

According to many aura readers, white stands for purity, and soul power. Perceiving this color would tell something about the state of one’s spiritual growth. The Crown Chakra is sometimes represented as a white lotus, linking to higher spiritual powers.

loost white sage leaves dried for insence

How You Keep the Aura Fresh

To care for your aura, keep a close eye on your energetic well-being. For example, it would be important to regularly release tension and ‘strange’ vibes, so that the different layers around you can do their job. Are you Highly Sensitive? Then these aura exercises and tips can be extra useful:

  • Sage Cleaning
  • Mantra Meditation
  • Drink Purified Water
  • Working with Gemstones
  • Council Questions to Guides
  • Healing

Sage Cleaning

Just as you can Cleanse a House with Sage, it would also be possible to clear an aura. The mother-of-pearl Abalone Shell that you use to collect the ashes also symbolizes the rainbow colors from the energy field. Palo Santo, Florida Water, and special types of Essential Oil are also used to Cleanse Energetically.

Mantra Meditation

A Mantra is a positive spell that you repeat several times, silently or aloud. The rhythm would give your head a rest and therefore calm the mental layer of your aura. If you do that regularly, according to some, it even works as a kind of reprogramming of the brain. Talk sweetly to your aura!

copper water bottle spiru

Drink Purified Water

Not only does your physical body needs water, also the energy of emotions would respond well to it too. So if you want to get rid of your negative feelings, drink enough water. Also pay attention to its quality. For example, according to Ayurveda, it helps to use a Copper Water Bottle. For others, water becomes extra powerful by charging it with crystals. Here you can read about how Making Gemstone Water works, for example with Shungiet.

Working with Gemstones

Gemstones are favorite tools for balancing auras. Think, for example, of Chakra Stones that would treat the seven energy points with their power or the Golden Triangle, which many believe promotes harmony. You can also use stone types that match different aura layers. For example, Amethyst would have a good connection with the spiritual body and Red Jasper with the physical.

raw aura peacock tourmaline

Council Questions to Guides

No idea about your personal power? Then just ask for help! For many people, spirit guides such as totem animals or a Guardian Angel are sources of insight. They would also give loving energy, so you can relax and let them guide you for a while.


Healing is energy work in which you receive a dose of life force. For example, you can have a special aura healing done, in which so-called blockages in your personal space receive attention. Reiki is also a pleasant method for many people to feel comfortable in their (invisible) skin again. Color Therapy or a session with Singing Bowls could also bring balance to your force field. It’s worth trying!

How do you take care of your invisible self?

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