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Mental Relaxation: Methods for a Calm Mind

By Maggie 16 August 2022
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Mental relaxation does not always come easily. We’ve put together some spiritual tips and traditions to help you get peace of mind and clear your head!

mala beads ona teapot with smudge stick

Mental and spiritual relaxation is important if you want to feel comfortable in your own skin. Studies show that your mind needs occasional rest to recover and process information efficiently. But you may find yourself asking “how can I learn to relax?” After all, we all know that trying to relax can actually create more stress! Sleep may be the first thing that comes to mind, and it certainly is the most important way to rest your mind. However, it can also be nice and beneficial to have enough brain breaks during the day. Here you will find commonly used spiritual techniques and tools to let the world melt away from you for a while. What helps to relax is above all personal!

How Can I Relax? Mentally Relaxing with Mindful Methods

You can choose from countless methods to give your mind some breathing space – from physical exercises to evoking friendly thoughts for an organized mind. Here you will find information about:

  • Yoga Exercises
  • Mindfulness Techniques
  • Affirmations & Mantras

Mentally Relax with Yoga Exercises

In addition to active forms where you train strength and endurance, there are also yoga styles that help you recover or rest. During restorative or Yin Yoga you stay in a sitting or lying position for quite a while with the support of a Yoga Bolster, Meditation Cushion or Rolled Blanket. According to yin teachers, this way your muscles can relax and your connective tissue gently stretches. Through breathing and other meditation techniques you work through any tension or resistance to eventually walk out of the class relaxed. With Yoga Nidra or ‘sleep yoga’, on the other hand, you don’t have to do anything physically at all. The teacher takes you on a guided meditation that brings you into a deep state of peace and invites you to let go of stressful thoughts and feelings.

spiru meditation bench with aroma diffuser and eye cushion on yoga mat

Meditative Relaxation with Mindfulness Techniques

If you are new to meditation and spirituality, you may benefit from a simple technique that you can always apply. Mindfulness is one such method. Focusing attentively on your body or your environment helps to calm your mind when it is all over the place. The only goal is to cultivate acceptance, patience, and compassion for yourself. There are different types of mindful methods, some of which are so effective that they are even used in therapeutic settings.

Relaxing Thoughts with Visualizations, Affirmations & Mantras

In many religions and beliefs, positive proverbs offer hope and guidance. There are also short reminders of these lessons, “mantras,” that can be repeated several times in a row as a type of meditation.  A popular example is Om Mani Padme Hum. This has a calming effect on most people.  You can recite Mantras with or without Mala. You could also make your own Affirmations instead of using a Mantra. This calms your mind and helps you to create positive vibes. If you add a pleasant Visualization to that, the stressful mood can melt away!

feng shui bell on reed mat

Mentally Relaxed by Using Sound, Smell and Color

If you don’t necessarily want to perform an action or technique to relax, then your probably rather just wondering how to relax under stress. Well, you can relax more passively in a few ways too! Visiting an expert who takes the trouble off your hands or by surrounding yourself with scents and colors that naturally calm you down can be really helpful. So discover here tips to relax like:

  • Sound Massage
  • Aromatherapy
  • Color Therapy
  • Feng Shui in Home

Really Relaxed by Sound Massage

Many believe that Singing Bowls, gongs, tuning forks, and other spiritual instruments, have vibrations that help you to release tension. You don’t have to do anything during such a sound massage, except let yourself be engulfed by sound waves. Not a bad idea, it’s like a refreshing sound bath!

traditional Chinese tea set with dried herbs

How to Relax Under Stress? The Ease of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a trick of Mother Nature. It’s well known that smell can influence your mood and perception of reality because it directly evokes memories and emotions. So once you know how you react to different aromas, you can use them to evoke a desired state of mind.  Aromatherapy can help you to calm down when overstimulated or when you’re having trouble sleeping. Relaxed sleep comes from a relaxed mind, and the perfect scent can do this job for you when you’re headed off for dreamland.

Color Therapy

Color therapy, or chromotherapy, is based on the healing power of color. According to this theory, each shade has its own effects on your energy balance. So in theory you could calm emotions, thoughts, or physical unrest with the right color. Green, blue, and magenta in particular are known among enthusiasts as soothing shades,  for sleeping or meditating. Yogis also believe that the right colors can support your well-being. They work with Chakra Colors, shades that belong to seven energy points in the body. With this knowledge, you can put together a personal palette that immediately relaxes you and stimulates the chakras that you need most! For example, incorporate the wisdom of color into your clothing, interior, or a Talisman.

chakra scented candle with amethyst cluster

Feng Shui at Home

The use of sound, smell, and color come together in Feng Shui, the Chinese interior art with which you can harmonize the energy in your home. By cleverly combining aromatherapy, sound, and natural tones, you could create an energetic balance in your interior. Fans of Feng Shui use Scented Candles or other special products such as Crystal Prisms to energetically cleanse rooms. In addition, Feng Shui advisors also work with the spiritual meaning of cardinal directions to come to a personal planning for a home. Thus, every home would have an ideal corner for rest and reflection.  Including natural materials such as grounding Gemstones or Salt Lamps can enhance the effectiveness of this zen space. This way, relaxation comes naturally as soon as you walk through your door!

golden triangle obelisks rock crystal rose quartz amethyst

Mentally Relaxing with Energy Work

According to healers and other holistic people, it is important to regularly clear your aura or energy field. Daily impressions or adopted moods of others could also cause a restless mind. According to healers, you can get back to your relaxing familiar vibe by Energetic Cleansing yourself or your environment. Helpful ways to do this include:

  • Gemstones
  • White Sage or Palo Santo Smudge
  • Reiki

Restore Harmony with Gems

Many people believe in the healing effect of Gemstones. Each crystal would have unique properties that you can use to support your well-being. Connoisseurs especially recommend the Golden Triangle for feelings of unrest, because this gemstone trio would spread harmony. Enthusiasts place the combination of Amethyst, Rock Crystal, and Rose Quartz in their living or working space to enjoy the peaceful vibes.

palo santo stick with abalone shell

Energetic Cleansing with Smudge

Some Shamans recommend cleaning your home with sage, a North American plant that they believe gives off positive energy. This ritual is called Smudging and according to experts can also be done with other herbs, spices, and woods such as Palo Santo. With such a smoking ceremony, the peace in the house can return! If you don’t like smoke, you can also practice this type of cleansing by spraying Florida Water throughout the space.

Energetic Resting with Reiki

Reiki is a form of healing in which practitioners learn to feel life force and pass it on on through the laying on of hands. Many people use this method for their energy management. It helps you to refuel when necessary and recognize your mental and physical limits. For Reiki you don’t need anything except yourself. That makes it the ideal way for enthusiasts to find mental relaxation!

rock crystal gua sha scraper with teapot

More Tips to Relax?

You can also relax mentally with a nice self-massage. Touch can be very calming, for example with a crystal Facial Roller, Gua Sha Stone or massage stylus. You can easily make your own Massage Oil with a relaxed aroma. If you’d rather not do too much to calm your head, consider an Acupuncture Nail Mat. The pressure points in these mats stimulate good circulation, helping your body to remove waste products and to relax deeply.

Check Out Our Assortment of Massage Products Here

So, how do you relax?

Last modification on 17 August, 2022 9:27 am

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