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Chakra Candle Holder

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Chakra Candle Holder

Chakra mood lights help you to stimulate one or more chakras. A chakra tea light holder often has a special color and meaning. This has an effect on your attention and energy. A mood light is therefore a great spiritual tool to get to know your chakras. It is also a wonderful gift. For example, give away some insight with a blue lotus for the 6th chakra! Or place this beautiful display in your yoga studio, as balancing energy for your students!

In addition to chakra mood lights and candle holders we also have Chakra Tea Lights and Candles. Spiru has many great options for spiritual lighting, or just lighting to set a mood. Also take a look at our Affirmation Candles or Mood Lights from Other Mystical Traditions. We also have a wide range of Scented Candles. Even find tea lights for your lotus with us! There’s no doubt you can always find inspiration at Spiru!

What are the Chakras?

Chakra is Sanskrit for ‘wheel’ and means ‘wheel of energy’. They are the energy centers in your body. Most traditions identify seven chakras. These chakras work together to form a system. This means that they have an effect on each other.

Each chakra has specific properties and functions. They actually symbolize different areas in your life. For example, the first chakra is linked to survival and the second to creativity. The third is your self-esteem and the fourth tells you something about love. Chakra five is your communication, six gives insight and the seventh connects you with the higher. Chakras can therefore be felt in your body and can be read from your behavior.

Special colors are often used to influence or get to know chakras. The most common are:

1st chakra: Red
2nd chakra: Orange
3rd chakra: Yellow
4th chakra: Green
5th chakra: Blue
6th chakra: Indigo
7th chakra: Violet