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Ostara Rituals: Start Fresh with a Spiritual Cleanse

By Maggie 11 December 2022
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Wiccans start the year with Ostara, a merry spring festival and spiritual cleansing all in one. Here you will discover tips to refresh your head, heart, and home!

spring cleaning rubber gloves rubber plant spray bottle

An Ostara spring cleanse resembles an old-fashioned cleaning, but one that takes spiritual dust bunnies with it. During this ritual you not only let curtains air out, but also old thoughts and feelings! In this way, according to the Wiccan tradition, you make room for positive energy again. Here you can read where Ostara comes from and with which three steps you need to complete such a ritual cleaning.

What is Ostara and When Do You Celebrate It?

In Wicca Ostara is a spring festival, but it is also celebrated in several other pagan traditions. It takes place on March 21 during the spring equinox and celebrates the return of sunlight after the dark times of winter. From this point on, the days start to be longer than the nights – with daylight slowly increasing since the solstice on December 21, the shortest day. The name Ostara probably comes from the Germanic goddess Eostre who would provide fertility and new life.

Marseilles soap and plants

Why We do an Ostara Wicca Ritual

During Ostara you celebrate life force and renewal. But this magical energy must first have space to do its work! According to the wicca or Ostara tradition, you must therefore first clean up. You don’t just do this by cleaning the windows, but also by getting rid of dusty emotions and ideas that no longer serve you. What can you leave behind you with the spring sun? You will discover that during an Ostara ritual!

The Ostara Cleaning in Three Steps

Cleaning can seem like a monstrous task when you start it. Especially when the sunlight makes it so clear to you what is crying out for soapy water. To create order out of chaos, follow these three steps:

  • Tidy
  • Clean
  • Refresh

Step 1: Clean up à la Ostara

You clean up the wicca way, namely by first making contact with yourself or the room that requires attention. This way you don’t bounce directionless through your home, but instead you can use your inner compass while organizing. Also, through a meditation ritual you will not miss any important feelings and thoughts that are connected to the clutter. You can tune in to your wildest cleaning wishes, for example, via Pendulum, a Dowsing Rod, Tarot Cards, Glass Ball, or Ouija Board.

tarot wicca cleanse ritual with gemstones and smudge palo santo

Step 2: Cleaning Ostara Style

Now that you’re no longer tripping over piles of clothes, it’s time to scrub. For example, make your own cleaning potion with Aleppo Soap and Essential Oil of your choice. That’s kind to Mother Earth and a nice way to treat yourself with aromatherapy. Smell could evoke a mood. For example, did you experience sadness or anger when throwing away personal items? Support yourself while scrubbing with soothing aromas! You could arrange an energetic refresher by Cleansing your House with Sage, Palo Santo, or Florida Water. In this way, invisible things can also go outside through the window.

3. Happy Refresh

And now the highlight: add positive vibes to your environment. For example, be inspired by classic Feng Shui Tips such as adding the right plants, shades, and Gemstones in Your Home. Did you know, for example, that the seven Chakra Colors would have a positive effect on your energy system? If you prefer crystals, for example, placing a Golden Triangle or maybe a Salt Lamp can have an effect on your mind. Special symbols can also help maintain your newfound harmony. Wiccans usually choose the Pentagram, but the Flower of Life is just as much a sign of unity. Do you have any energy left? Then make your own Scented Soaps to celebrate the fresh new start.

Himalayan salt lamp with smudge stick

Want to do more Spiritual Rituals?

Wondering what other seasonal rituals Wicca has? Then read about Imbolc. This early spring festival is celebrated in February and is a preparation for Ostara. The Hindu spring festival Holi is also a way to celebrate the new year. During this festival you think of spring intentions and encourage them with lots of scent and color. If you want to do symbolic cleansing regularly, a Full Moon Ritual might be something for you. This mysterious glow would not only cheer up crystals, but also people.

Good luck and Blessed Be

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