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Color Therapy – Use Color to Restore Your Energy Balance

By Maggie 31 August 2022
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Color Therapy is a great way to balance your energy that anyone can practice. Do you want to know how it works and how you can apply it yourself? Discover the healing power of color in this blog.

colorful bear mural auras universe

It may sound strange, but colors can play a huge role in how we feel physically and mentally. They have a major impact on our lives without us even realizing it. Colors are everywhere. In nature, colors tell you what you can and cannot eat. In fashion you express yourself with the color of your outfit. By becoming aware of the influence of color on our lives, you can take advantage of it. How? You can read all about it in this blog!

What is Color Therapy?

Color therapy is also known as chromotherapy. In this therapy, the healing energy of colors brings the body, mind and soul into balance. It is an Eastern healing practice that has been used for centuries to balance chakras.

How Does Color Therapy Work?

Every color therapist works in his or her own way. Colored light is one popular tool. This can focus on reflexes, acupuncture points, meridians, and chakras. It targets parts of the body or sometimes the whole body. The therapist can also give color advice about food, clothing, or your home interior.

Color Therapy and the Energy Distribution

The basis of color therapy are the chakras and the aura. A chakra is an energy point that lies along the spine. Most traditions believe that we have Seven Main Chakras. Each has its own color and is in contact with a certain part of the body and emotional life. According to color therapy, physical complaints are caused by a disturbed balance of the chakras. Color therapy could restore an energy imbalance by exposing the body to the color associated with the particular chakra that needs balancing.

Chakras are located in the physical body, but are also connect with the aura, which is your personal energy field. Each energy field has its own colors that are determined by its health, well-being, and spiritual state. So your Aura changes with your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. An unhealthy body would emit an unbalanced vibrational pattern, which creates dark colors or broken color lines in the aura.

color spectrum crystal ball ice cream cone

How Colors Work

Color is a form of light. It contains electromagnetic radiation and energy that vibrates in the same way as heat, sound, and radio waves do. The colors consist of different frequencies and wavelengths, so you can not only see them, but also feel them as well. This energy could have a healing effect. For example, long waves such as red would generate light and energy and short waves such as blue could calm things down.

Color Therapy – The Meaning of Colors

Colors affect our behavior and can put us in a certain mood. What do colors mean, spiritually? We discuss the spiritual meaning of the colors:

  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple

Red Spiritual Meaning

Powerful and warm, we all know that red stands for love, but also for courage, decisiveness, and danger. Within color therapy, this color would have a positive effect on your willpower, vigilance, vitality, and sexuality. This color could stimulate the circulation and the heart. For example, some therapists use red to treat complaints such as anemia, fatigue, impotence, and low blood pressure. This color belongs to the first chakra or Root Chakra, which provides stability. By being in good contact with the earth you would feel safe and secure.

Orange Spiritual Meaning

Orange stands for stimulation, wealth, and cheerfulness. In color therapy, orange has an influence on blood circulation and metabolism. The color often creates a cheerful feeling of happiness and is thus often used for treating complaints such as depression.   Lung abnormalities and  kidneys may also benefit from orange. Orange belongs to the second, or Sacral Chakra. This chakra stands for expressing emotions, having relationships, movement and creativity. It would make sure you know what you want and dare to express your emotions.

Yellow Spiritual Meaning

The cheerful and sunny color yellow belongs to the third chakra, the Solar Plexus. This energy point is about happiness, energy, self-esteem, control, and power to make your wishes come true. With a healthy balance, it would ensure that you can be there for yourself and others. Within color therapy, yellow would influence our intellect and judgment. It could promote the mind and concentration. Some people use yellow for rheumatism and arthritis, but also for stomach and intestinal complaints. The color would ensure proper functioning of the glands. Yellow light is said to have a cleansing effect, because it could stimulate the removal of waste. But above all, yellow is the color of positivity and good mood!

color spectrum mosaic rainbow glass ball

Green Spiritual Meaning

In color therapy green is the color for peace, happiness, purity, and harmony, and ensures balance in the body. Many experience green as a calming color that not only soothes, but creates confidence and strength. In color therapy green is helpful for treating headaches, gout, lung problems, and nerve ailments. This color matches the fourth chakra, the Heart Chakra, which is about love, security and balance. This point connects the top three more mental and spiritual chakras with the bottom three more physical chakras.

Blue Spiritual Meaning

It’s the color of the sky and when used in color therapy, blue could have a refreshing and calming effect. Blue stands for safety, creativity, reliability, and tranquility. It could have a positive effect on insomnia, stress, and anxiety. Blue light could have a positive effect on communication skills and could reduce complaints such as asthma, headaches, and migraines. According to color therapy, it ensures good blood circulation, breathing, and heart rate. Blue represents the fifth chakra of peace, inspiration, freedom, and friendship. The Throat Chakra is important for communication and would ensure that you dare to make yourself heard and that you can indicate what you need. But listening to others is also central.

Purple Spiritual Meaning

Purple represents wealth, luxury, wisdom, and spirituality. In color therapy, this spiritual color is the color of self-esteem, hope, and dignity. Many believe that purple produces energy and  balances the nervous system. This color could also calm you down when feeling agitated or anxious. Indigo, a bluish purple, is associated with the sixth chakra of intuition, the Third Eye. True purple stimulates the seventh chakra, or Crown Chakra, of spirituality and enlightenment.

abstract rainbow aura pink blue green orange

This is How You Can Apply Color Therapy Yourself

You can, of course, go to a color therapist, but you can also try it yourself. This is already possible by wearing a certain color of clothing or eating fruits and vegetables of one color. You can also apply it during Meditation. Take a relaxing position and close your eyes. As you inhale, think of the color of the chakra you want to balance. As you exhale, think of the complementary color. Or use gems of a certain color. To know which color suits you, read our blog Gemstones by Color. Of course you can also decorate your interior with Rainbow Crystals, products in the different Chakra Colors, or beautiful colored Mood Lights. Does energy therapy appeal to you? Some people also experience the energy in Reiki as color too. Find everything to balance your energy at Spiru!

How do you take advantage of the power of color?

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