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Dreams Meaning: Wisdom While you Sleep

By Maggie 10 October 2022
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Are you convinced that dreams have meaning? Then you are not alone. Learn ways to understand your personal fantasies here!

bed on stairs in the sky with clouds pink dream

Curious what your dream means? Read here what can appear at night and how to make sense out of those sometimes bizarre scenarios. Spoiler alert, grab the popcorn!

Why Dreams Have Meaning

In many cultures and traditions, dreams are seen as messages from your soul. For example, according to yogis, they originate from the sixth chakra. This Third Eye is an energy point that allows for imagination and intuition. Dreams would therefore be full of insight and reveal hidden realities. Native Americans see dreams as mysterious knowledge that comes to you at night. Sleeping for them is simply a trip to a deeper dimension.

Check Out Our Dream Catchers

Different Kinds of Dreams

There are different kinds of dreams. Sometimes your brain is only processing impressions, while other nights you get deep insights. There are recurring themes and predictive ones. Lucid dreams are a different story, because in these you are aware of the dreaming itself. That way you could influence its course, but that takes some practice, according to experts!

woman holding luminous clouds while sleeping

Why You Keep Dreaming

If you remember your dreams regularly, you’ll probably notice a pattern and be able to identify which types of dreams you have most often. Maybe your mind likes recognizable real-life scenarios, while others head off to fantasyland at night. It may well be that talking animals are nowhere to be found or that the same school day keeps repeating itself. Also, troubled dreams can indicate that you simply have a lot to process from the day before. Does a story repeat itself? Then you now know that something needs attention!

Keeping Track of Your Dreams and Meaning

Saving dreams can be done in different ways, for example by writing them down as soon as you wake up. Then have a notepad and pen ready on the bedside table, so that you don’t have to get out of bed first. If you’re not much of a writer, just leave a memo. Think about what you want to do with the information. If it is to train your memory, then writing them down is enough. If you want to be able to do dream interpretation over time and compare how they change, save them digitally – for example by keyword, theme or date. Then all you have to do is use the search function!

woman falling backward through purple dream

Explain Dreams With These Tips

A dream interpretation is personal. Of course, no one else knows exactly what your nighttime adventures look like. It can therefore help to approach dreams as stories in which each part has its own meaning. From the characters to the decor, everything is a clue – no matter how much they may resemble your everyday life. How does such an investigation work? These tips can help you decipher dream stories:

  • use all senses
  • pretend it’s a movie
  • don’t take it too literally
  • tell someone else
  • consult a dream dictionary

Use all Senses

Dreams are full of sensory information. So use your whole body to interpret the story. For example, what did you see? Pay attention not only to places and living creatures, but also to colors, shapes, and movements. When you hear something, how intense was it – yelling, whispering, or just background music? Don’t forget your sense of touch. How did a place or touch feel and what was the temperature? Have you tasted or smelled anything? This way a lot of information comes to the surface!

Pretend It’s a Movie

Dreams are a bit like movies, if you think about it. So feel free to pretend you are in the cinema and watching a premiere. Then ask these questions to understand what you’ve been through:

  1. Where does the story take place?
  2. What year is it?
  3. What time of day is it?
  4. How’s the weather?
  5. Who are all playing in the dream?
  6. What do the characters look like? Consider age and clothing.
  7. Who do you know the thoughts and feelings of? Is there a main character or are you a spectator?
  8. What’s the plot? Is there a beginning, end and conclusion or are situations repeated?

girl sleeping in flowers

Don’t Take it too Literally

Dreams are full of symbols and imagery. Therefore, it may well be that there is someone who looks like your grandfather, but behaves very differently. Or you suddenly fall wildly in love with a boring colleague. The big question then is: what could these people stand for? Do they have a specific role in your life or character trait? Could it be that they might be portraying a part of yourself? For example, that colleague can represent your relationship with work and one weird grandfather reflects the whole family.

Tell Someone

Can’t recognize any structure or symbolic meaning in a dream, but it still gnaws? Then tell it to someone else! Then describe in detail what you experienced. There is a good chance that someone else will see the common thread or at least ask a clarifying question. Also, sometimes there can be puns in a dream that you only hear when you say it out loud. Maybe that dangerous dragon’s name sounds a bit like your boss or kindergarten teacher…

Consult a Dream Dictionary

Dreams are made of personal feelings, thoughts and memories that are processed during REM sleep. Yet it would also contain universal signs, such as well-known images and symbols. That is why there are also dream dictionaries in which you can look them up. Such an encyclopedia, for example, states the general meaning of a tree or dog. Usually that’s something they’re good at, like standing firm or being faithful. There is a good chance that these messages look familiar to you.

hand silhouette capturing stars in mason jar

Looking for More Insight?

If your dreams are fascinating, pay attention to the Full Moon. During those clear nights it would be easier to gain personal insight. There are plenty of ways to Practice Esotericism, and reveal hidden knowledge. Maybe try keeping an eye open for Angel Numbers, or what Symbolic Birds visit you regularly. If dreams, fantasy, and your subconscious are really your thing, try tapping into that while you’re awake with Crystal Ball Viewing. You’ll find help getting in touch with your subconscious and hidden knowledge at Spiru.

Sweet Dreams!

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