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Spiritual Meaning of Birds: Messages from Our Feathered Friends

By Maggie 23 February 2022
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Birds and their meanings: they can tell you something. Do you often encounter the same birds over and over? Discover bird symbolism in this blog and find out what messages they may be bringing you!

great tit on birdbath

Do you tend to suddenly see a buzzard whenever you’re lounging outside? If you casually flip open a magazine, is it often to a page with a pigeon? Or maybe you regularly dream about robins. Is this simply just by chance? Try taking a look at the bird’s spiritual characteristics and see if you can link them to your own life. Are you curious about the spiritual significance of these birds and more bird symbolism? Read On!

What is the Spiritual Significance of Birds as Totem Animals?

Followers of nature religions are familiar with totem animals. Every animal has its own strength, meaning, and gift. According to many Shamans and Native American Religions, the animals symbolize our hidden qualities and powers. If you encounter a certain animal more often than you would expect, it may be because that animal has a spiritual meaning to you. By delving into the behavior and characteristics of the animal, you could learn something about yourself. Your totem animal could give you confidence and strength in difficult situations.

What do Birds Symbolize?

You may often find the same feathers or see the same birds. Now you may be thinking, how can a crow have spiritual meaning? Or why would a magpie have spiritual significance? You probably feel it best yourself when a feather or bird has a special message for you. The most common birds in symbolism are:

  • Magpie
  • Great Tit
  • Crow
  • Robin
  • Pigeon
  • Buzzard
  • Heron
  • Stork
  • Pheasant
  • Owl
  • Starling

Magpie Spiritual Meaning

The magpie has an eye for details and is the first to see a pearl or diamond glistening in a pile of pebbles. He loves everything that sparkles, and is smart and very curious. This leads him to places where he needs to be, but can also occasionally lead him astray. On your journey of discovery you can be seduced by people and situations that look like they’re a shiny treasure. Maybe you’re just now finding out that you let yourself be tempted too much or that someone was not sincere with you.

Magpie Meaning -Making Good Decisions

The magpie does not take everything that it finds to its nest. Sometimes he hides his shiny treasure away somewhere to save and determine its value later. If something catches your attention, take a good look at it first and try to feel what is real and valuable about it. If you say “yes” to everything, you could lose your way. Also, don’t hesitate to say “not right now”. You can trust in mother universe that the treasure will cross your path again if they are important for you.

The Magpie’s Message

A magpie may ask you to awaken and connect with your own intuitive knowledge and wisdom. Feel and trust your intuition. Learn to listen to your inner voice and trust it. Once you do this, take action in the direction you are feeling compelled. If you do, you will receive insight into your gifts and you will be given the opportunity to develop them further. Using your gifts in a careful and honest way is also part of your journey. Only use your strengths and talents where necessary. If you use your natural abilities responsibly and effectively, you can make your wishes a reality. The magpie may also serve as a guide to other dimensions.

Magpie Symbolism In Eastern Cultures

In some Eastern cultures such as in China and Japan, magpies are seen as a sign of good luck. Be open to omens; your happiness is hidden in subtle messages. For example, blooming earlier than other fruit trees, plum blossoms are the heralds of spring. A Magpie on a branch of a flowering plum tree would mean that luck is near. When a golden opportunity knocks at your door, will you let it in?

magpie on branch

Great Tit Spiritual Meaning

These little birds make everyone happy with their carefree chirping. Maybe you also have a cheerful note that quickly puts a smile on people’s faces. Happiness is a feeling that makes hearts sing and gives you butterflies in your stomach. Just open your eyes to see what beauty there is.

What the Great Tit Has to Say

The great tit calls for attention, but you don’t always notice it because you are too busy with your own thoughts. The great tit tells you not to get lost in your worries and to keep your energy high. Do something every single day that makes you happy and that puts you in touch with yourself. Even if it is something as small as a walk, doing something to get you chirping in tune with yourself is important. Take a moment for yourself every day and ask if this is what you want and if this is what you envisioned for yourself when you were a carefree child.

Symbolic Meaning of the Great Tit

When you allow joy into your heart, a new path will open. It breaks through negative patterns in your head as it makes contact with your feelings. Living from the heart has everything to do with living from feeling. Don’t overthink things. Cheerfulness makes everything in life a bit easier. When you make decisions aware of your feelings, you are likely to make better choices.

great tit on branch


Crow Spiritual Meaning

A crow often serves as a wake-up call to stay alert. There may be a change on the way, but for this to happen, you need to look at your own actions. Let go of what is holding you back from making the necessary changes in your life. Have you had an idea or plan for a while, but haven’t done anything with it yet? Then maybe now is the time to stop dreaming and get moving!

Crow Symbolism

Is the black crow spiritual? Yes of course! Where there are crows, there can be magic. They are a potent symbol of creativity and spiritual power. If the crow is your totem animal, it may support you in developing your Third Eye, your spiritual growth, and could introduce you to the magic of life.

Crow Meaning and Message

The timing is favorable to shake off everything that no longer suits you and to be full of your own power. That means saying goodbye to places, habits, and people that don’t help you move forward.

More Meaning – Spirituality and Letting Go

Let go, says the crow. Know that saying goodbye always makes room for something new, and maybe something better. Do not be afraid to let go of things that no longer serve you. If you notice that people are only taking from your energy and insights, but not contributing to your spiritual well-being, think about how far you want this to go. Setting boundaries is also part of your spiritual growth.

Symbolic Meaning of the Crow: You Are Never Alone

You will never be alone. The crow is the messenger between multiple worlds and knows that you are surrounded by loving energies. As a flesh-and-blood human being it may feel lonely at times, but if you stay in touch with your heart, the need for others to fill your void will disappear more and more. Trust that you will be helped. Ask the crow to get the message across or let the right people cross your path.

crow in mountains

Robin Spiritual Meaning

The robin proudly and courageously puts out his red chest for all to see. He shows his big brave heart to anyone who looks.You can learn alot from the robin about love, passion, and courage. The robin may be able to inspire you to grow, change, and to live from your heart. Let your heart be full of willpower and passion.

Robin Symbolism

Take a good look inside. There is a good chance that you have built high walls around your heart, so that hurtful things come in less easily. The robin reminds you to look at bumps in the road with a loving heart and to think about the lessons that you can learn from them. Acknowledging our struggles helps us to heal. People will hurt you, it’s true. But try to think of it this way: your souls may have made this agreement in your past life, so that you can grow more effectively in this life. By considering that they can do little about this and that there is a noble goal lying hidden underneath the hurt, you will live more from love and forgiveness.

Of course it’s also important that the wound will probably heal faster with this mindset. Do you have a bleeding heart in which you continue to feel pain? Then the robin teaches that you can stop this bleeding yourself. Often things happen to make room for something else or to teach an important lesson. Something that throws you off kilter teaches you to keep yourself in balance. The robin can already do this and wants to teach you.

Robin Meaning: Following Your Heart

Not everyone will understand you equally well, but that’s ok. They don’t have to. The most important thing is that you stay yourself and follow your heart. Opinions and judgments are everywhere, it’s a part of life and stems from the impotence of others. Knowing this will help you deal with judgment from others better. It is a sign that you can open your heart to beautiful things, live more from your loving heart, and share this love with others. Wear your red heart like a jewel on your chest, just like this brave little bird. If the robin “taps on the window” – tap-tap-tap- will you let him in?

robin on branch

Spiritual Meaning of the Common Dove – The Pigeon

Symbolically the dove brings peace and symbolizes trust, friendship and love.

Pigeon Spiritual Meaning

The pigeon encourages you to connect with your higher self, feel peace within yourself and to live in harmony with Mother Earth and the universe. Unconditional love is a challenge for many of us and the greatest lesson of the pigeon is in loving yourself unconditionally. That calls for an open and healthy heart chakra, where love can grow and blossom! Being at peace with your good and bad qualities can ensure that you can receive loving energy in your heart.

Pigeon Symbolism

If the dove has come your way, it wants you to trust your intuition. The pigeon’s sense of direction is steady like a compass; they can always find their way home. So for you it’s about coming home to yourself, no matter where you are physically in the world.

grey pigeon in snow

More Pigeon Meaning – The Gray Pigeon

The pigeon can also ask you to make decisions. Which path will you take? Do you allow yourself to be distracted? Do you always choose the shortest route? or do you focus on your passion and wishes even if it takes more time? It can be difficult to focus on your goals, and therefore it can be difficult to go straight for your target. You’ll probably need to take a few more frequent breaks along the way to recharge. Use this as a chance to grab your compass to see which direction you need to fly further. Keep your end goal in sight and don’t be fooled. Let the gray dove lead the way!

Buzzard Symbolism

The buzzard means death and rebirth, new vision, and letting go. Below you can read more about the spiritual significance of this bird of prey.

Buzzard Spiritual Meaning

The buzzard is a powerful messenger. With his sharp eye he keeps the overview yet at the same time, he never overlooks a detail. If a buzzard crosses your path it’s because he wants to let you know that there is more than you see now. That may have to do with infidelity in its broadest form. That can be an unfaithful partner, unfaithful friends, but also infidelity towards yourself. Have you not been making choices that are best for you or not standing up for who you really are and your values? Then the buzzard may pay you a visit.

What You can Learn from the Buzzard

The buzzard is often attacked by smaller birds in flight. Others would try to put you down and pull you into their negative energy. It’s only because they don’t understand you. Do you let this slow you down or do you continue your flight? If you let yourself slow down during your flight, you will be tempted to lower yourself to the negative energy of others. You can use your razor-sharp claws to teach others a savage lesson. If you recognize that you tend to do this, follow the example of the buzzard resting on a pole. Chill out and regroup for a few hours rather than responding in anger.

Buzzard Meaning In Short

Take a step back and take a good look at what’s happening before slamming out your sharp claws and pointed beak. Let others in their own negative circle! By letting go, you stay in balance better and you learn to only put your energy into hitting things that are important to you. The buzzard is said to be a magical bird, which, despite those pesky birds, just flies its own course.


Heron Spiritual Meaning

The heron stands still along the water on his stilt – like legs, patiently waiting for a fish. Then, when the time seems right, he takes his chance. If he doesn’t find an opportunity at the spot where he had been so patiently waiting, then he just moves up sream a bit. He almost effortlessly senses where he can find what nourishes him.

Heron Symbolism

Seeing a heron should remind you to slow down, take a good look at what you want, and trust your intuition to choose the right path. Focus on what you really want, empower yourself by standing as tall as the elegant heron. Self-doubt is something that affects most people at some point. “Am I good enough” is a thought that can often haunt your mind. But remember, doubt is something your mind creates, just like fears and worries. Your head is where your ego is, but you have to learn to listen to your heart.

Learning from the Heron’s Intuition

Just like the heron uses its intuition to find the right fishing spot, your own intuition can bring you closer to yourself. Your head doesn’t feel love, it just thinks, and this can fool you at times. The mind is powerful and can create obstacles on your path that may make you miss opportunities if you live too much in your head. The heron trusts that its food will swim by and sometimes even stands for hours waiting for its reward. When that fish swims past, it quickly grabs it out of the water with its pointed beak. By patiently trusting your intuition, great opportunities will arise for you, but you have to know when to go after them! Nowadays everything has to be fast, fast, fast, but remember that good things take time. Seeds have to grow into trees before we can reap the fruits.

gray heron

White Heron Meaning

It is best to visualize the desires from your heart and feel as if you have already achieved them. If you use your heart as a driving force (passion) and trust that your wish will one day become a reality, the universe may create opportunities at just the right time. Otherwise you need to accept that it may not be your place, and it would be better to move up stream a bit to a new goal.

Have patience, listen to your intuition, and follow your heart. The heron walks alone through the meadow and is not distracted from his mission. You too need only yourself. You are strong and capable. Act in a way that is true to you and will help you to live your best life. It’s about liking yourself just the way you are, because then you will learn to believe in yourself just like the heron.

white heron

Stork Symbolism

Everyone knows that the babies are brought by the stork! Does seeing this black and white bird mean a baby is on the way? Not necessarily, but the stork certainly does signal new beginnings. The birth of the new you, for example, who enjoys life much more. It can also be related to a trip, new insights, a study, hobby or another job. That doesn’t mean you have to change your whole life if you’re already happy with it, but it can’t hurt to trust the universe to bring more good your way!

Stork Meaning

The stork would like to tell you that you can break any vicious circle. There’s no point in playing the victim role. Learn to let go of negative thoughts. Follow your heart and don’t be tempted by excuses.

Lessons from the Stork

Are you a perfectionist and do you care a lot about what others think? The Stork is not put off by others, who criticize or put you down to keep up their own reputation! Does this ring a bell? The stork knows better. From his high nest in the craziest places, he watches without judgment how others behave below. From this perspective he can weigh his options without losing his balance. The stork is also as much white as it is black, so also learn to embrace your darker sides, after all you shouldn’t have to be pleasant all the time if it doesn’t feel right. If you give yourself room to feel the dark, your light can shine even brighter!

stork on roof

Pheasant Symbolism

The pheasant symbolizes prosperity and fertility. To dream of a pheasant would indicate that prosperity is coming your way in many possible ways. Seeing a pheasant can also be related to other changes in your life, but always positive ones. The pheasant will tell you that you also have to take action yourself. Success and prosperity don’t just blow your way.

Spiritual Meaning Pheasant

When you know that the spiritual significance of the pheasant often has to do with fertility, you may think of a baby just like the stork. This doesn’t have to be the case, of course. Fertility is also an allusion to harvesting and sowing. Perhaps it is a reminder that everything starts with you and with your thoughts. If you want to attract positive things, you will also have to work on positive thoughts. On the other hand, it may be the right time to make the steps towards your dream life more concrete than just thoughts. Don’t be afraid to start taking those steps for real!


Owl Spiritual Meaning

In addition to all the spiritual birds and their meanings mentioned above, the owl is one of the most famous examples of a feathered friend with spiritual significance. This imposing bird is sometimes seen on the side of the highway, in the woods, or nesting in barns, but it is even more common in dreams. The owl is the bird of wisdom because it sees and hears things that people and other birds easily overlook. He can turn his head 180 degrees to see everything around him, so he can never be caught off guard! Rather than representing intellectual wisdom or knowledge, an owl stands for deep and ancient wisdom. He represents the wisdom of the soul not the mind. He symbolizes our connection to ancient magic, the moon, freedom and silent flight.

Owl Meaning in Different Cultures

Owls are meaningful in many cultures around the world, but the symbolism is strikingly similar. For example, in ancient Greece the owl used to symbolize the goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategy. They believed that she had an owl through which she could still see everything around her. In ancient Greece, the owl was also the guardian of the Acropolis. Minerva, the Roman variant of Athena, was associated with the owl and the moon.

The Native American tribes of the Sioux and Pawnee saw the owl as a messenger. The Lakota tribe had an owl society, where warriors fought at night with dark circles around their eyes, resembling the owl. In several European and American cultures, the owl was also seen as a symbol of death. This is because some cultures started a battle with the cry of an owl to announce their army. The Maya also believed that this bird symbolized death.

Seeing an Owl – Symbolism

As we have seen, owls represent death in some cultures. However, you do not have to take this literally, because in many cases it concerns a symbolic death or a transition in life. You can think of a big change that comes your way. Maybe you’ll finally get rid of those old bad habits and finally make a real choice for yourself. When you encounter the owl, it is often a sign that you are ready to leave something behind. The owl gives you confidence, no matter how difficult it can be at times, to leave negativity behind you.

barn owl

Owl Spiritual Meaning in your Dreams

If the owl appears in your dreams, your power animal could be contacting you. He may be warning you of danger and telling you to keep your eyes open. It is not without reason that the owl is also the symbol of intuitive wisdom and is associated with clairvoyance. It could mean that you need to be more alert to your intuition and the signs you receive on your path. The owl can also join your spirit team when you go through a change. He is a good guide to help you get through changes. Some people also believe that the owl in your dream represents a deceased loved one.

Spiritual Meaning White Owl

There are two common white owls: snowy owls and barn owls. To see a white owl in your dreams or to see a white owl can mean that you are unique, have inner wisdom and have peace in life. Also, a white owl can mean that the next few days are about communication, in every possible form. For example, it could mean that discussions will be important in the coming days, or that you may communicate better with your inner self. It could also be a sign that you should avoid conflicts so that you don’t make enemies or burn bridges. A snowy owl in your dreams could help you to be more empowered of your pure, unique self.

snow owl

Starling Spiritual Meaning

The spiritual meaning of the starling is: you don’t have to do it alone. Besides the fact that this is almost always impossible, it is also not necessary. The starling is a social bird that lives in flocks because it sees the importance of living together in connection. If you want to move forward and create, it is necessary to be open to help from like-minded people. The power of people around you makes it possible to dissolve and let go of old things.

Starling Symbolism of the Like-Minded

Make sure you surround yourself with positive energy and people who suit you. The starling’s lesson also has to do with group misbehavior. As a group (gang) they sometimes attack other birds. Sometimes you may wonder if the people around you are still right for you. It’s ok to outgrow people who are bad for you and find a new flock.

three starlings in snow

Starling Spiritual Meaning and Communication

The starling also symbolizes self-reflection, communication and healing. The element that suits the starling is air, this fits communication, thinking and the throat chakra. Choose your words carefully. Also be careful what you say, because sometimes words can be misunderstood. Use your voice well to connect with others. Talk about what’s on your mind, and dare to admit that you need others. Then you will be able to form close connections!

Spiritual Meaning Starling and High Sensitivity

The starling’s sensors are finely tuned to others. Maybe you are also highly sensitive yourself? The starling would also allow you to receive messages from your own intuition and inner voice.

starling on log

Amethyst Starling Meaning

Amethyst starlings are super special. When the sunlight shines on their plumage, you will be amazed! You will not easily encounter them in the wild in Europe, but who knows, you might spot them when you travel through the African areas below the Sahara. Or perhaps you’ll suddenly see an Amethyst starling on your screen or in your favorite magazine! Their purple shiny feathers look like flying crystals.For this reason they are popular among the fanatic bird collectors in the Netherlands! The Amethyst could help you to let go of old patterns, clear your mind and connect with your intuition. This beautiful bird also reminds their fans of that!

Spiritual Meaning Dead Bird In Garden

Don’t panic! A dead bird does not necessarily refer to death. It could also mean the end of a difficult situation. Also, a young or small bird on the ground could indicate that you worry too much. A dead pigeon can symbolize a positive change in yourself. It is also important that you look at the situation. Have more things happened recently that could tell you something about the meaning of the dead bird? Or is something important happening in your life right now?

wet duck feather on pebbles

Spiritual Meaning Feather

In addition to frequently encountering the same birds, your guardian angels and spirit guides could also communicate with you in the form of other signs. Did you know that not only birds, but also their feathers have meaning? The meaning behind a feather depends on its species, color, and size. Feathers commonly found are:

  • White Feather
  • Gray Feather
  • Black Feather
  • Brown Feather
  • Pheasant Feather
  • Magpie Feather
  • Crow Feather
  • Duck Feather
  • Peacock Feather
  • Owl Feather

General Meaning Finding a Feather

Feathers appear when the angels or spirits are near. You usually don’t see or hear them, which is why they let us know in a different way that they are with us. Finding a feather can be such a sign. If you find plumage along your way, the angels may want to tell you that you have entered a higher spiritual path. It could be a sign of encouragement to keep moving along this path. Are you going through a difficult time? A feather could mean that you need to keep a light outlook even in trying times. Don’t take everything too seriously!

brown feather in sun

Spiritual Meaning White Feather

White is the most common color of feather found. White feathers are seen as a symbol of purity and Your Guardian Angel. The white feather is a sign of love, protection and hope. You can trust that you are on the right path if you find one. Also, some believe that the white feather is a sign of your deceased loved ones. They would like to let you know that they are safe and that they are well.

Gray Feather Spiritual Meaning

Finding a gray feather is a symbol of peace, especially if the feather comes from a pigeon. As you know by now, the pigeon stands for love, peace and trust. In addition, a gray feather directs you to a middle ground. If you had to make an important choice, finding a gray feather would ask you to look at the situation with a neutral eye. It could tell you that the answer is more nuanced than “yes” or “no.” Don’t look at things too black and white; the situation may not be as hopeless as you think. Try to take a point of view that teaches you to look with an objective eye.

Spiritual Meaning Black Feather

Like the black crystals such as Black Tourmaline, the black feather symbolizes protection. If you come across a black feather, you will be told that you are protected and that you do not have to feel alone. The spiritual meaning of the black feather is that you are watched over and protected from negative energy.

Spiritual Meaning Brown Feather

The brown color stands for grounding, stability and homeliness. A brown feather immediately symbolizes your home, and a safe place. To find a brown feather would symbolize a positive home life and calm energy. So a nice change could take place in your safe harbor. A brown feather could also represent a balance between the physical and spiritual world. Finally, it could point out the importance of the connection with Mother Earth, enjoying and living in the here and now.

Magpie Feather Spiritual Meaning

The magpie feather can be recognized by its black and white color with a blue-purple sheen. If you combine all these colors together, you could soon say that the magpie feather is a sign of protection and enlightenment. In combination with the blue sheen, it could also be that you may learn to communicate better with your angels or your inner voice. Purple is the color of spirituality. It may be trying to tell you to open up to ‘more’ and ‘higher’. So get in touch with your higher self! A magpie’s feather is sometimes believed to open the gate to higher dimensions. Furthermore, the magpie is shameless and confident. He enjoys letting his feathers shine in the spotlight, and you can too!

magpie feather

Pheasant Feather Meaning

As you know by now, the pheasant stands for fertility and fertile thoughts, among other things. A brown feather also represents your home and the connection with mother nature. Maybe now is a good time to arrange your safe space in such a way that it becomes a fertile place for pleasant thoughts and attracting abundance!

Crow Feather Symbolic Meaning

The crow is the bringer of advice and wisdom. Crow feathers often convey a kind of sense of secrets and mysteries. For some it is frightening, but for others a magical feeling. There are many types of crows, but most large, long black feathers refer to protection and intuition. Maybe a good time to turn inward and trust in yourself.

Duck Feather Meaning

Duck feathers have to do with motherhood, protection and comfort. This also means: you are not alone. Finding a duck feather also indicates a sense of emotional calm and listening to your instincts. On the one hand, this can mean that you are already doing this very well, or on the other hand that you should pay more attention to this.

Spiritual Meaning Peacock Feather

The peacock represents pride, beauty and self-confidence. Finding a peacock feather is seen as a good sign. Many believe that good news is just around the corner if you find one of these beautiful feathers. These birds are associated with wealth and so finding a peacock feather could indicate success, fame and maybe even a fortune!

peacock feather in sun

Owl Feather Meaning

Owls represent ancient wisdom, knowledge and clairvoyance. With their flexible neck they can see everything well. They are even said to have foresight. The owl’s wisdom comes from the idea that it sees and hears things that other people miss. He can help you face the truth. Finding an owl feather may tell you that you are allowed to follow certain advice. That could be from a spiritual mentor, an older person, or maybe even your higher self. Perhaps it is a sign that you will soon receive advice that will help you and that you will be supported. A nice prospect, right?

More Meanings and Symbolism

Totem animals can give you strength in difficult situations. If you want to try other ways to get in touch with your inner strength maybe check out What Crystal You Need to help you through a situation. Incense can inspire you too, so check out What Incense Can do for You! Maybe Symbols are more your thing.  You can Read About the Power of the Pentagram Here.  Or for more nature symbolism and spirituality Check Out What the Tree of Life can Do For You.  In our Blogs we have spiritual inspiration for everyone!

Last modification on 19 April, 2022 11:10 am

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