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Feng Shui Meaning: Bring Harmony into Your Home!

By Maggie 29 September 2022
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How do you apply Feng Shui at home? Get to know the basics of Chinese interior design here!

green tea pot by window

Feng Shui [feng shway] is a more than 3000 years old Chinese interior design philosophy based on Taoism. These guidelines tell you how to set up spaces to make them feel good and flow well, which may affect your happiness and well being. The idea behind Feng Shui is that everything consists of energy flows, so-called Chi. Chi thus connects people, animals, things, and plants. Moreover, these different types of energies all influence each other. Here you will find the most important basic Feng Shui rules so that your living room, bedroom, kitchen, and garden will soon be wonderfully harmonious and you can design a spiritual room according to your wishes. Bring on that positive energy!

Feng Shui Elements in Home

So a nice Feng Shui house is a place where everything works together positively. This can be done very easily by paying attention to the use of:

  • Light
  • Air
  • Heat
  • Nature


In a Feng Shui interior light is very important. It’s actually very simple: let the sunshine in! For example, open doors so that the sun’s rays can reach everywhere. In addition, use a Feng Shui mirror and Rainbow Crystals to reflect all that light. This way you not only create a cheerful look, they also keep the chi going. Mirrors also help to make the room appear larger. True Feng Shui fanatics have them reflect something natural like a houseplant or crystals. Double the effect. Stick to one Feng Shui mirror per room, or energy could get caught bouncing between them! In the evening you provide soft lighting in various places. For example with small lights or Candles.

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Movement is important in Feng Shui decoration. In a nice house, that everyone feels free to go where they want is essential. It’s great to have a tidy reception at the door and Feng Shui hallways with spacious walkways. Please keep all the doorways clear. And don’t forget to open a window regularly or to refresh the air. You can do this in other ways as well, for example, burn Essential Oil, clean your house with Sage Smudge, choose an Incense effect that suits you or put some baking soda in different places. Cleaning up also helps for a fresh and airy house. According to Feng Shui, your own place is a reflection of yourself, meaning Feng Shui interiors live and change with you. So remember to regularly say goodbye to things that don’t make you happy (anymore) or are no longer useful to you.


According to Feng Shui, positive warmth can be found in soft rugs and pillows, protective curtains, and color. Earth tones are great Feng Shui colors for warmth. This way you can snuggle up and shut yourself off from the outside world. In addition, natural and soft materials help to absorb sound. Are you still bothered by noise? Then put on some relaxing music or get started with a Singing Bowl. Your favorite songs are also a form of comfort! Heat that you do not want comes from electrical appliances. So turn it off as much as possible. Remove unused plugs from electrical outlets and do not leave TVs on standby.


According to Feng Shui, nature is a very important, so bring the outside in with fresh flowers, plants, beautiful stones, and other natural materials such as wood or bamboo. Flowers give color and plants purify the air. If you find entire bouquets a hassle, just use a single flower or branch. House plants are also a great choice. Don’t have a green thumb? Then hang nature photos in your house or use a Lotus Mood Light. These flowers are very important in Feng Shui, as they symbolize spiritual growth. Read more about the Spiritual Lotus Flower in the blog.

Stones, on the other hand, represent the earth element. They can therefore help create a relaxed atmosphere. For example, put crystals in your house or just beautiful pebbles. A spiritual image also radiates tranquility for many people. Whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy. If you need some help choosing the right crystals for your interior, then check out this blog on Home Crystal Placement.

rainbow crystal window hanger sun and moon feng shui

These are General Feng Shui Guidelines

Feng Shui also attaches great importance to the relationship between Yin and Yang, opposing qualities that derive their meaning from each other. Every interior also depends on place, time, residents, and use. You can therefore see the rules below as guidelines to practice your sense of harmony. Do you want to furnish your house according to Feng Shui interior advice?

The general rules are:

  • Round Corners Off
  • Keep It Spacious
  • Create Sufficient Lighting
  • Security with Solid Walls
  • Add Group Feeling
  • Welcome New Furniture

Round Corners Off

According to Chinese interior philosophy chi does not like hard angles and avoids any straight line. They interrupt her mobility. Energy, according to designers, likes round surfaces and natural shapes. So put a plant in each corner or place a piece of wood or Feng Shui stones and crystals anywhere you see a hard angle. Even simple round objects work well to soften edges. Think of a vase, fish bowl, crystal ball or even a dog basket.

Keep It Spacious

Both visitors and residents should feel free to come and go as they please. You achieve this through wide walkways, plenty of empty spaces, and clear passageways. This way, guests are welcome to drop in and they can also leave without difficulty. Also clean up regularly and if you want to clean the chi like real professionals, use sound from Gongs, Tingshas, ​​Tuning Forks, Singing Bowls or Bells.

Check Out All of Our Sound Products

Create Sufficient Lighting

Make sure there is enough light in your house, by doing your best to increase the chance that the sun’s rays will enter. This is possible by using mirrors, open spaces, and transparent window decoration such as Rainbow Crystals. In the evening, provide appropriate soft lighting throughout the house. If you do this with a salt lamp or environmentally friendly candle, you’re well on your way to a zen interior!

Security with Solid Walls

According to Chinese interior designers, it is best to sit against a windowless wall. That gives a safe feeling: nothing unexpected can happen behind you and that way you’ll relax faster and more completely. Don’t hang heavy paintings above your couch or bed either: that also evokes unconscious alertness. It is better to place your furniture against blank walls, preferably with a view of a door. That way you won’t be startled by arrivals while you drink a hot cup of tea.

Add Group Feeling

Common areas, according to Chinese philosophy, require a warm, social atmosphere. You can create that by expressing photos, art or objects that are together. A family portrait or a family picture are real classics. Let your feelings guide you here: a bulletin board with postcards or children’s drawings above the kitchen table can just as well provide fun!

Welcome New Furniture

According to Taoists, if you buy new furniture or objects, it is best to greet them. You can do this, for example, with a Symbolic Sage Smudge or other type of Spiritual Incense. Certainly second-hand items could use a dose of new energy!

Check Out Our Wide Range of Incense

Feng Shui Living Room Rules

According to Feng Shui, a living room is best at the front of the house and should have at least four corners (eight is even better). Are you also thinking about a lick of paint on the wall? In a Feng Shui living room colors are important and should be chosen according to different principles. For example, it would matter in which direction the room is located. The north, south, east, and west have their own natural hue within Taoism. Your character can also play a part in applying Feng Shui colors, just like the purpose of the room. There are even special schemes with Feng Shui symbols to help you figure out your paint palette! Are you taking that too far? You could also keep your home colors simple and use Chakra Colors or Color Therapy for yourself instead.

ritual gong salt lamp and flowers feng shui interior

Feng Shui Numbers

Want to know which colors, angles, or shapes suit you? According to the Feng Shui teachings, you are born with a certain energy. Because of this, you can calculate a personal energy number, your KUA. For that you need your Feng Shui year of birth and the Chinese lunar calendar.

Your KUA stands for one of the five elements: water, wood, fire, earth, or metal. Each element matches certain colors, shapes, and materials that also match your energy. When you bring these colors, shapes, and materials from your birth element back into your interior, this will provide good energy and more balance. This combination of elements will certainly help you for positive energy in the house!

This is How You Calculate your KUA

  1.  Translate your year of birth into your Chinese year of birth. If you were born before February 4, you calculate with the year for your birth year. Example: January 3, 1981 = 1980 (or March 8, 1979 = just 1979). If you were born in mid to late February it’s best to check a calendar to see when the lunar new year was the year that you were born.
  2. Add the last 2 digits of your birth year until you arrive at 1 number: Example: 1980 –> 8 + 0 = 8 (or 1979 –> 7 + 9 = 16 –> 1 + 6 = 7).
  3. If you are a woman, add 5 to the number. From the year of birth 2000 you add 6 to the number. Keep adding until you reach a single digit. Example: 8 + 5 = 13 –> 1 + 3 = 4. Your KUA number is then 4.
    If you are a man, you subtract the result from the number 10. From the birth year 2000, you subtract the result from 9. Again, make sure you reduce this to a single digit. Example from 1979: (outcome was 7) –> 10 – 7 = 3. Your KUA number is then 3.

KUA numbers and elements:

1 = water
2 = earth
3 = wood
4 = wood
5 = earth
6 = metal
7 = metal
8 = earth
9 = fire

Element Water

The element of water would stand for floating and silent energy. It would represent winter, the darkness of the night, and the depth of the water.

  • Color: blue and black
  • Shape: organic & wavy
  • Material: water
  • Gemstone: Onyx

Element Wood

The element of wood would stand for upward and outward directed energy, like the branches of trees. Wood would also stand for growth.

  • Color: green and brown
  • Shape: rectangular, high, long
  • Material: wood, plants, trees, grasses, bamboo, rattan, paper, and natural materials
  • Gemstone: Jade

Element Fire

The element of fire is said to be an active and vibrating energy, like the sun. You could also link the fire element to summer, warmth, and passion.

  • Color: red, orange, purple, and pink
  • Shape: triangle
  • Material: fire
  • Gemstone: Red Coral

Element Earth

The element of earth is stable, reliable, and caring. The energy of this element would move sideways and horizontally. Feng shui experts say that this element symbolizes the ripening of the harvest and late summer.

  • Color: yellow, ocher, brown, beige, taupe, and terra
  • Shape: square
  • Material: rock, (gem) stone, crystal, earthenware, concrete, marble, and wool
  • Gemstone: Tiger’s Eye

Element Metal

The element metal would stand for compact and inward flowing energy. It would symbolize autumn and the fruits of the harvest.

  • Color: white, gray, silver, gold, copper, and metallic
  • Shape: round
  • Material: (precious) metal
  • Gemstone: Rock Crystal

Inspiration for Feng Shui Sleep

You spend a large part of your life snoring, so a fine feng shui bedroom has great influence according to Chinese interior theory. Smart tricks include colors that match your KUA and a tidy atmosphere so you start the day fresh. You can read more feng shui tips bedroom specific below.

1. Step 1 to a feng shui bedroom is your bed!

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the bed is the most important part of your feng shui bedroom. Position it so you can see the door, but not directly in front of it. If necessary, use mirrors in which the door is visible. But beware: a Feng Shui no-no is seeing yourself from the bed. Feng Shui has its reasons!

2. Keep the Door Clear

According to Feng Shui, energy should be allowed to run its course. It travels through doors, just like you and me, so make sure that the door to your bedroom can open completely and the path to it remains clear.

3. Choose Calming Colors

When it comes to color, bedroom feng shui translates to soothing colors and pastels such as light blue, light pink, lavender. White, yellow, green also help to relax. Whatever you do, balance cool and warm colors in your bedroom. It’s okay to add some red for some much-needed romance—as long as there’s calm colors for the rest.

4. Create Softness

That means natural materials such as down comforters or woolen blankets. But also rounded furniture so that it does not become an angular affair. Not only nice when you’re still half asleep stumbling through your room (ouch! cupboard), but also good for the chi. According to Feng Shui, it can then flow freely without bumping into anything.

5. Dim the Lights

Make sure your lighting is soft. Your bedroom is a place to relax and eventually close your eyes. You make the transition as smooth as possible by dimming the light. This gives your brain a signal to go to sleep. However, make sure that you do not hang a lamp directly above your head, no matter how dim or feng shui it seems.

6. Hang a Good Mood

Decorate your walls with pictures or paintings that make you happy. Make it worth opening your eyes in the morning! Natural light also ensures that you wake up pleasantly.

7. Tidy Up Your Room!

Do we sound like mom? But no jokes, your parents probably knew intuitively that this Feng Shui tip works. You wake up better in a tidy room. You literally make a fresh start!

8. Use a Nice Scent

Fragrance can be very relaxing if you use it right. So use detergent that smells nice (naturally) or use an organic pillow spray with lavender. We bet you will soon be completely feng shui zen.

9. Hide Your Devices

Actually, devices in your bedroom are discouraged by Feng Shui. But yes, that alarm clock function is really necessary. So try to switch off as many devices as possible (no, not standby) or cover them with a cloth. Spiritual music or feng shui music could have a calming effect, but store the device on which you play the music afterwards.

10. Don’t Sleep With Your Work

Keep your work out of your bedroom. That means no books, calculators, notepads, or desks. If you do have a desk next to your bed, make sure you can see the door from behind your desk.

Ideas for a Feng Shui Kitchen

The ideal Feng Shui kitchen is located at the back of the house and represents the well-being of the residents. According to experts, it should be a safe place overflowing with fresh chi. This is converted into food for everyone here! Entering through the kitchen is therefore not desirable, because the energy would then be ‘fried’ immediately and no longer flows into the home. In the kitchen, also make sure that the chef has space and oversees everything. Lighting and ventilation are indispensable in this! If the cook feels good while cooking, these feelings are reflected in the meal. If possible, do not place a toilet near your kitchen. Those two have conflicting interests

Tips for the Feng Shui Garden

According to the principles of Feng Shui, a garden is of course the easiest place to use natural materials! Also think about their indoor use, because then you kill two birds with one stone. For example, grow beautiful cut flowers that you can also put in a vase and cook with fresh herbs from outside. In the winter, collect wood from trees and shrubs and process them into firewood or original Feng Shui decoration. You can also enhance the presence of natural forces by playing Wind Chimes or Wind Mobiles, hanging mirrors and adding water features in your garden.

Feng Shui Crystals

Just like a crystal feng shui window hanger, you can also buy a crystal Feng Shui pyramid for the necessary flow. A Feng Shui Pyramid is a very powerful means to work with energy in a targeted manner. Such a pyramid allows the sunlight to pass through in a certain way, so that the light is refracted and makes beautiful rainbow colors. Your aura would instinctively filter the rainbow colors it needs. In addition, this rainbow light could bring joy and improve the Chi in the house.

clear crystal pyramid feng shui

Feng Shui Gemstones

In addition to Feng Shui products for the home, we also have Feng Shui products that you can always carry with you. For example, wear a Feng Shui bracelet of amethyst for the necessary peace and cleanliness in body and mind. You could also carry black tourmaline with you for dispelling negative energy. Or a Feng Shui pendant of rose quartz which could help you give and receive love.

More Ways to Get Your Energy Flowing with Spiru

After all this good chi are you still feeling some energy blockages? Don’t worry, there are other ways to free up stale vibes. For example, try a Gua Sha Massage to remove any blockages or old negative energy that you are storing in your body.  Or stimulate the flow of energy through your body’s meridians using Baoding Balls.  Maybe you are feeling a bit unenergized and need to wake up your personal power. Check out Kundalini Yoga to get your energy back up! Whatever your spiritual energy needs, you’ll find it at Spiru!

Which Feng Shui Inspiration Are You Going To Use?

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