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Angel Numbers – Messages from Spiritual Guides

By Maggie 26 April 2022
Reading works meditatively, relax 28 minuten with this article.
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Angel numbers can have an important message for us. But what are angel numbers and why are they important? You will discover that in this blog!

angel statues speaking

Because Angels don’t easily show themselves to us – and we would probably be shocked if they suddenly did – they like to pass messages through special signs, such as angel numbers. Do you often see double numbers? Chances are they want to make something clear to you! Read below how these numbers work and what they mean!

Why do Angels use Numbers?

Angels and numbers are a good match. Once Archangel Metatron received the spiritual meaning of numbers from their divine source, he taught mankind the mighty cosmic energy that numbers can contain. All numbers have their own unique vibration and energy that affects everyone who connects to them. Spiritual numbers each have their own unique properties and meaning.

Meaning Angel Numbers

Angels are always trying to get our attention so that they can help us, and they do this by means of numbers and other signs! Here are a few common angel numbers along with the meaning of these spiritual numbers.

Angels Numbers as Series

The most common and recognizable angel numbers are double angel numbers or angel numbers in the form of sequences. You can think of an amount that you have to pay, such as € 77.77 or seeing 11:11 on the clock. If you think this number has a message for you, then you can trust that it does. Always start from your feelings! Below is the spiritual meaning of double numbers:

  • 0000 and 000
  • 1111 and 111
  • 2222 and 222
  • 3333 and 333
  • 4444 and 444
  • 5555 and 555
  • 6666 and 666
  • 7777 and 777
  • 8888 and 888
  • 9999 and 999

neon sign angel wings

Angel Numbers 0000 or 000 Meaning

There is one thing in life that always stays the same: change. You are being primed for a new life path, while at the same time learning to let go of something old. This number represents both a closing door and one that is opening. You are asked to trust this and be open to spiritual guidance. If an idea or inspiration suddenly arises in your head, you can assume that it has been whispered to you.

Angel Numbers 1111 or 111 Meaning

If you see 1111 passing by as angel numbers, then you are being asked to keep positive thoughts. You may know the saying: “If you see 1111 on the clock, you can make a wish!” It’s not crazy at all when you look at the meaning of this number. It encourages you to stop and notice the first goal that pops into your head. Your deepest desire will manifest itself quickly. Use your angel guide’s energy to stay focused on the positive aspects of this goal and don’t get distracted by fears or negative events. With your angel’s sign, it’s a great time to take risks, jump in the deep end and make your dreams come true!

Angel Numbers 2222 or 222 Meaning

It’s likely that if you notice the Angel numbers 222 or 2222 too often, you’re having trouble focusing. You may be too preoccupied with the past or the future or you may be comparing yourself too much to others. Don’t worry and live more in the here and now! It is a reminder of divine timing and that right now, you are exactly where you should be. Everything happens for a reason and at the right time. You can also see it as a kind of encouragement to keep doing what you’re doing. Stay on this path, and beautiful things will arise!

Angel Numbers 3333 or 333 Meaning

Do you see 333 angel numbers or 3333 passing by regularly? Then the angels want to offer you reassurance. Believers often spot this number after making a wish or prayer. The angels want to say that they have heard you and are hard at work for you behind the scenes. Another meaning of 3333 and 333 angel numbers is that it’s a good time to bring more balance in body, mind, and soul. Maybe a good meditation will help?

Angel Numbers 4444 and 444 Meaning

Have you ever seen the angel number 444 or 4444? Then you’re surrounded by a large team of angels who are happy to help and protect you. Chances are that if you are going through a difficult period or suffer from depressed feelings, or loneliness, the angels will use these numbers to remind you that they’re there to help. It is in these difficult moments that the angels want to let you know that you are not alone. Even though it may feel that way! Do you want to connect more with your angels? Then try angel stones like Celestine, Selenite, and angelite.

Angel Numbers 5555 and 555 Meaning

When you see angel number 555 or 5555 a great change is on its way to you. You can think of it as a kind of transition that comes unexpectedly and helps you grow. You are guided to your highest consciousness and best version of yourself. It could also be that a lot is happening in your life at that moment or maybe many things suddenly leave your life. Angel numbers 555 and 5555 are a reminder that you are supported in these kinds of uncomfortable moments. Trust that everything is happening for the right reason and for your own good.

Angel Numbers 6666 and 666 Meaning

A sequence of the number 6 stands out very often, because the number 666 is also associated with the devil. Don’t worry: it’s not the devil that’s after you, it’s the angels that want to draw your attention to something! You worry too much about earthly things like physical complaints or finances. Angel numbers 666 and 6666 show you that you can bring more balance somewhere in your life. Maybe you’re too busy with work, for example, that you forget to stop and enjoy everything that you’ve achieved. You may want to pay more attention to loving matters such as family and the spiritual.

Angel Numbers 7777 and 777 Meaning

Luck is on your side! You are strongly connected to the spiritual world and you are developing your spiritual intuition well. This development will bring you closer to yourself and bring you a lot of good. Embrace your unique gifts and skills. By using them to help yourself and others, you can stimulate spiritual growth. Keep it up!

Angel Numbers 8888 and 888 Meaning

Prepare for abundance! This could be financially, but also emotional abundance in the form of love and comfort. The number 8 is also strongly associated with infinity and the endless flow of universal energy. Angel numbers 888 and 8888 mean that you have entered a positive, energetic flow. You can also see it as a pat on the back and a reminder to be thankful for how far you’ve come. In that case, abundance will come your way, so focus on your wealth, whether it’s in the form of money or affection!

Angel Numbers 9999 and 999 Meaning

Then there is the series of 9. This number symbolizes rounding and completion. You can compare it to the Full Moon. It is a time when you can reap the benefits of the seeds you have planted and at the same time, say goodbye to things that no longer suit you. Closing off the old will clear the next step for you. The angels could also make it clear to you: you have gotten everything out of this phase of your life that you can. Close it and move on.

orgonite rock crystal angel with white sage

Angels Numbers starting with 0

Some choose not to count the 0 in the meaning of angel numbers. Angel number 1010 is then seen as a ‘broken down’ angel number and is read as 11. Still, the 0 can have an important meaning. The number is said to be associated with meditation and prayer and to symbolize infinity, and the power of the universe. If you regularly notice the number 0, you may be asked to continue developing spiritually and to get in touch with this energy. Tray meditating and listen to your intuition, for there you will find answers.

  • 0101
  • 0202
  • 0303
  • 0404
  • 0505
  • 0606
  • 0707
  • 0808
  • 0909

Angels Number 0101 Meaning

Noticing angel numbers 0101 and 101 is a sign from the angels that they are guiding you through your ideas and thoughts. A repeated 0 and 1 can even mean that they are guiding you through ‘clair-knowing’, having information without knowing where it comes from. The message is to stay positive about this. Only you and your angels know what is best for you, so it is important to listen to your inner voice and intuition. Your angels will unlock the right path for you so that you know which way to go. It can also be a sign that you sometimes have to “fail” to be successful. With every ‘mistake’ the angels are behind you to catch you.

Angel Number 0202 Meaning

0202 and the related angel number 202, which both can be reduced to the 22 angel number by removing the 0’s, are about maintaining trust, faith, harmony, and balance. It is important to stay positive about the path ahead. With a positive outlook, the biggest dreams can become reality. Have faith that you are supported and everything will happen in your favor. The angels are asking you to work on the small things, without losing sight of the big picture. That way you can keep working on yourself, even when the going gets tough. Take the time to make choices and don’t make hasty decisions. Furthermore, it is a recommendation to work on your spiritual journey as well as on your material affairs.cement stairway 202

Angels Number 0303 Meaning

You may often see angel numbers 0303 and 303 when you have a creative idea. This number is reminding you that the steps you want to take can lead to success and the angels will guide you in this. Use your talents! If inspiration just falls from the sky, you can trust that it was sent to you. You have a large team of angels around you who want to help you. All you have to do is ask for it. It is a reminder that living with passion and pleasure can manifest your deepest desires.

Angels Number 0404 Meaning

Angel number 0404 is all about hard work, commitment, and stability. It is a message that the angels are with you to support and guide you in achieving your goals. It could also be a sign that they see that you’ve worked hard and will soon reap the rewards. They ask you to be open to their unconditional love, as you may receive answers to questions and solutions to the obstacles that come your way.

Angel Number 0505 Meaning

When seeing angel numbers 0505 and 505 you are asked to have an open attitude and go with the flow. The changes that are happening in your life right now are happening at the right time and for your own good, so don’t worry about if everything is going according to plan. The angels also ask you to break free from old limitations and habits that are not good for you and to seize new opportunities. Broaden your horizons so that you can gain new experiences that fit your life path. Even if you don’t see the positive sides yet, you can trust that everything will fall into place.

Angel Number 0606 Meaning

Angel numbers 0606 and 606 are asking you to focus less on material things and approach things more in a spiritual way. This means that you can have faith and trust and express gratitude, because gratitude gives you a positive attitude and will raise your vibration. Focus on spiritual aspects such as love and light and surrender any fears or worries about the financial part to the angels. You can trust that they will give you what you need at the right time. Any issues surrounding family and loved ones will be resolved. You may see that you can influence the lives of others in a positive way. Enjoy being with loved ones and live from unconditional love.

Angels Number 0707 Meaning

It seems you are awakening. The work you have done has helped yourself and others. Keep it up and let your light shine! Angel number 0707 also invites you to focus on your spirituality, life purpose and soul mission. By changing your consciousness you could create a renewed sense of well-being. The angels will help you see the world from a different perspective, which will help you to better understand certain confusing events in your life. This awakening can also give you access to aspects of your personality that you did not know before. For this you will have to look at yourself with curiosity and without judgment, so you can enter into a deeper connection with yourself. Ask yourself what you need to feel alive and what talents you can share with the world. Once you start living this, you will go through this inner transformation!

Angels Number 0808 Meaning

Angel numbers 0808 and 808 are asking you if you are doing all you can do. You have the power to move mountains, but for this you must use all the resources at your disposal. The opportunities are there, but sometimes there is a lack of perseverance. It encourages you to keep an eye on your finances and create a solid foundation for yourself. You are responsible for your own life, even though the angels will always support you. When an opportunity comes your way, you must seize it and do the necessary work. No one else can do that for you. You are also reminded that you must choose the path that suits your true self. Don’t be afraid to take a new path if it feels better, because if you follow your heart, the Universe will do everything it can to help you.

Angels Number 0909 Meaning

Angel numbers 0909 and 909 are about a new cycle that is about to start. During this period, new opportunities will come your way and many things will change. While some part of your life will also fall away, many things will also fall into place and things will magically unfold for you. This change will give you the opportunity to get new projects off the ground and achieve success in your career. It is important that you continue to believe in yourself. The angels are encouraging you to move forward and not dwell too long on the past and what has fallen away.

angel lights

Angels Numbers starting with 1

Many angel numbers start with a 1. This has to do with the spiritual number 1 being about being aware of your thoughts meaning numbers starting with 1 ask you to focus on the positive and not on your fears and what you don’t want. These things can also manifest themselves. Look positively at new beginnings and challenges and opportunities that come your way. Don’t hesitate to take steps and don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.

  • 1010
  • 1212
  • 1313
  • 1414
  • 1515
  • 1616
  • 1717
  • 1818
  • 1919

Angels Numbers 1010 and 101 Meaning

1010 and 101 are angel numbers telling you that it is time for development. It asks you to focus your thoughts and mindset on your life purpose and spirituality, because you can create your own reality. Stay positive and engage in creative pursuits. Use your skills and talents productively. Listen with passion and enthusiasm to the guidance of the angels and your intuition, because this will guide your soul mission. Take action and step outside your comfort zone, because that is where you will find success and happiness.

Angels Number 1212 Meaning

If Angel numbers 1212 and 121 appear in front of you regularly, you are being reminded that you are on the right track. Even if it doesn’t seem that way at the moment and you don’t know what steps you can take yet, you can trust that you will be guided. You may gradually begin to find solutions and change your frequency to align more closely with your highest purpose. In any case, you can assume that you are moving in a direction that is good for you and that you will soon experience it yourself. Since the number 1 appears before the number 2 here, it is important to keep positive thoughts and an open attitude.

Angels Number 1313 Meaning

Angel numbers 1313 and 3131 let you know that you are surrounded by a great team of angels. Your prayers have been heard. Angel number 1313 is asking you to focus on your desires and let go of your worries. Keep a close eye on your thoughts and take them seriously because the angels are helping you to keep your thoughts positive. Sometimes there is even a message hidden in it. Furthermore, this number is also about communication, creativity, expansion and optimism.

Angels Number 1414 Meaning

When the angel numbers 1414 and 141 start to catch your eye, you can be sure that you will receive love and support from the angels. They want to advise you to be patient and stay calm in difficult situations. Good changes take time to unfold. You are also advised to take it easy, because that way you can make the best decisions. Keep positive thoughts, because then positive changes will manifest in your life. Believe that you will encounter beautiful things on your path and act accordingly.

yellow metal wall with black number 1414

Angels Number 1515 Meaning

If you’re looking for a sign that it’s time to make your dreams come true or to start something new, keep your eyes open for angel numbers 1515 and 151. Changes are coming that will enrich your life. Your words, thoughts, and actions influence this. Your thoughts manifest quickly, so make sure you focus on your dreams. Also, the angels want to let you know that you need to let go of the negative and the old in order to manifest new things in your life. When sad things happen or you suffer a loss, it’s for a reason, try to remember that. As difficult as it may be, eventually you will have to leave the sorrow and the burdens behind you. Take the helm to steer your life in the right direction and chase your dreams. Dare to live and love, then positive changes will come.

Angels Number 1616 Meaning

Let go of worries about finances or material issues when you start seeing angel numbers 1616 and 161 popping up around you. Focus your thoughts on yourself, your home, family and emotions. This angelic signal encourages you to ask the angels for help with these financial or material issues that are worrying you so that you can let go of the fear. For example, this could be about debts, a purchase, or something you need but can’t afford. You can rely on an unexpected opportunity and that the angels are working hard for you behind the scenes. Also, these numbers can mean that a new relationship is lurking, either with a new person, or your current relationship is being revived. Embrace the changes!

Angels Number 1717 Meaning

If something grabs your attention or has been on your mind for a long time, such as switching jobs, angel numbers 1717 and 171 could be a good sign. They show you that you have an important mission on Earth, probably as a teacher, healer, or some other way of helping humanity that suits your gifts, interests, and talents. You have come here to inspire others, don’t let doubts and insecurities hold you back! It can also mean that you are on the right path and your thoughts will manifest if you direct them in the right direction.

Angels Number 1818 Meaning

When you see angel numbers 1818 and 181, say positive affirmations, visualize beautiful things, and keep your thoughts positive! Abundance wants to make itself known to you! However, you must remember that abundance comes in different forms, so don’t focus solely on financial abundance. Be grateful for what is already in your life and stay optimistic about the future. Also listen to your intuition and signs from the angels, they will show you the way to abundance. Use your passion, gifts and talents to take steps outside your comfort zone.

Angels Number 1919 Meaning

If you see angel numbers 1919 or 191 often, it could mean that an important phase or cycle is coming to an end. Trust that this is happening for karmic reasons and that it will soon become apparent why. Prepare yourself for a new path, and realize that the end of the old one will pave the way for pursuing your life purpose. You already have everything you need to achieve this, or the angels are standing by ready to provide it. Do not look at what falls away, but look at this new start with an open mind. Where a door closes, new ones will always open for you!

neon halo

More Common Angel Numbers

In addition to the meaning of the spiritual numbers mentioned above, we will discuss the spiritual meaning of numbers that are also often recognized on the the 24 hour clock, for example:

  • 2121
  • 2020
  • 2323
  • 2002
  • 1234
  • 1444
  • 1551

Angels Number 2121 Meaning

Dare to change directions when you see angel numbers 2121 and 212 and seize the opportunities that you come across. The angels advise you to remain calm, and if you do, you will soon notice that everything falls into place. These numbers encourage you to trust your intuition and to stay alert to messages. Get to know yourself better and consider what your standards and values ​​are and what goals you want to pursue. Be honest with yourself, look at your life objectively, and make the necessary changes to succeed. Be thankful for the blessings that are already present in your life and those that are yet to come. In a state of gratitude you will attract even more beautiful things. You are responsible for your own thoughts, for your actions, and your future. Therefore, try to surround yourself with positivity, and radiate this to others as well.

Angel Number 2020 Spiritual Meaning

If you often see 2020 and 20:20 as angelic numbers, you are being asked to bring balance to your life. You can reach a lot in this life and with willpower and inner wisdom you can achieve the results you envision. The angels are standing by to guide you and give you the energy you need to pursue your soul’s mission with enthusiasm and optimism. Wonderful things are happening behind the scenes that will work in your favor for the foreseeable future. Even if you don’t see the opportunities yet, believe they are on their way to you. Don’t lose sight of the big picture while fine-tuning the details to complete your task, both spiritually and materially. Be diplomatic, be open to collaborating with others and keep a loving gaze. Know that you are blessed in this life.

Angels Number 2323 Meaning

Spiritual numbers 2323 and 23:23 as angel numbers are asking you to stay optimistic about the future. Give all your worries and fears to the angels and ask them to help you heal. Use affirmations to focus on living a successful life that meets your needs. Angel number 2323 is letting you know that your prayers and wishes will be answered soon. The angels are with you to watch over you and ensure that you live a happy life. Use their divine power to direct your thoughts, intentions, and actions in a positive and powerful way and try to communicate your truth to others with confidence and on a spiritual level.

Angels Number 2002 Meaning

Angel Numbers 2002 and 202 encourage you to create more balance within you and listen carefully to your emotions and intuition. If you pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings, you will also be able to grow spiritually. Be positive about the future, because with positive thoughts you can attract positive circumstances. Let your angels surround you with love, peace, and harmony and take time to relax your mind and body. Find stillness within yourself, for in this state of peace you will find your true self. Take the time to meditate to get more in touch with your spiritual self. The closer you get in touch with this, the clearer your life purpose will become.

Angels Number 1234 Meaning

If you break down angel numbers 1234 or 123 and 234, you will see a series of ascending numbers. It is important to consider each number individually. Number 1 is about fresh starts and keeping thoughts positive.  Think of number 2 as a balancing number, and 3 as a representation of expansion, expression, and authenticity.  Referencing stability, number 4 offers you a solid foundation. Angel number 1234 represents progress or steps on your life journey. Success doesn’t come out of nowhere; you have to be patient and take small steps. The number can also be seen as a nudge to start a new project.  It’s also an encouragement to put your hidden skills to use, as they can help you achieve your goals.  Do not look to the past, but instead look, with an open mind, to the path that lies ahead.

Angels Number 1444

Like white feathers, Angel numbers 1444 and 144 primarily let you know that you are not alone and surrounded by a great team of angels protecting and guiding you. Your angels help you align with the vibrations of your soul mission and life purpose. Keep thinking positive and focus on the things you want and take action towards those goals. It doesn’t have to be giant leaps, every step forward is a step closer to your dream. Know that you will be rewarded for the actions you take now and for the steps you have taken in the past. You will be able to reap the benefits in the near future. You may regularly see other feathers in your path too. Read more about the meaning of specific feathers in our Blog about the Spiritual Meaning of Birds.

Angel Number 1551

Is it time for change? Angel number 1551 tells you when positive thoughts and intentions will soon manifest in your life and bring about important changes in your life. They warn you about negative people and situations and ask you to distance yourself from them. Surround yourself with positive energy and clean your environment, such as your home and yourself regularly with, for example, Palo Santo or White Sage. Protective Gemstones and Minerals can also do a lot. You may be afraid of the unknown, but the angels are asking you to trust that they are only making changes in your life for your greater good. It is also possible that you have lost focus or motivation, so see this as a warning to stay focused on your goals. Finally, the angels are asking you to learn to love yourself. If you find this difficult, ask them for help.

angel statue announcing

Decipher Angel Numbers Yourself

It is of course possible that the message does not completely resonate with how you feel at that moment or with the events in your life. You may have already received the message intuitively, but got confused when you scoured the internet. Although the internet can give you a lot of information, always rely on your own gut feeling to find out what it means specifically to you! How do you do that? There are a few ways to do that:

  • Create silence
  • Taking context into account
  • Pay attention to your feelings

Create Silence

If you want to put your intuition to work, it is good to create silence. In a quiet environment you can better receive answers about what angel numbers mean to you. Isn’t it easier to listen when it’s quiet? For example, you could do this in a meditation, forest walk during your walking meditation or another mindfulness practice!

Recognize Context

The timing at which angel numbers appear is not a coincidence. That is why it is important that you recognize the angel numbers, but also that you realize what the context is at that moment. What is happening at that moment or were you thinking of something specific? It’s important to keep details in mind so that you can better recognize the message the next time the same number appears in front of you.

Pay Attention to Your Feelings

Notice how you feel the moment an angel number appears. Which emotions are prominent at that moment? Sometimes your body even reacts to numbers in a certain way. Because such a first reaction is unconscious and not produced by reason, this is seen as an important recognition point. For some, this is the key to recognizing certain angel numbers and knowing when there is a message in them. Remember that if you yourself believe that the universe or the angels want to tell you something, then there really is a message there to be heard. Listen for yourself and don’t let others tell you what’s going on.

relaxing quiet beach

The Difference Between Numerology And Angelic Numbers

Numerology assumes that every number has its own unique vibration, but also that every sound and every letter corresponds to a number. Angel numbers are messages from your spirit team, while messages from numerology are more similar to an astrological reading. A numerologist can tell you, for example on the basis of your name or date of birth, what your life purpose or character is. Even your house number would have some meaning. In numerology and astrology, they don’t believe in coincidence!

Numerology Numbers

Numerology works with numbers between 1 and 9. Each letter stands for a number, meaning that even you name breaks down into an important number that can reveal a great deal. If the number is greater than 9, for example 26, add the separate digits together over again, until only a number between 1-9 remains. In this case it becomes 2+6 = 8.

Numerology Master Numbers

In some cases it is not a problem if the number is greater than 9. This is the case with so-called master numbers. These numbers would have a double power and a special meaning. It would be especially special if master numbers are in your date of birth or if the sum of your date of birth is a master number. The master numbers are:

  • 11
  • 22
  • 33

master number 11 on pavement

Master Number 11

11 is the master number of intuition and the dreamer. You probably have a strong intuition and you are less concerned with rational thinking. You are a leader with a sensitivity to clairvoyance, clairsentience, or clairaudience and are blessed with a higher consciousness. This number is letting you know that you are responsible for your own life. You can grow your self-confidence so that you learn to trust yourself. This will give you the courage to use your powers and put them to practical use, so that your sensitivity doesn’t make you unstable.

Master Number 22

22 as either a master number or an angel number is the number of the master builder and is about your perseverance. It is about directing your own life, realizing your dreams and is more focused on practical, visible results. This number also shows a leader, with high self-confidence. It is important that you do not set too high standards for yourself and that you can sometimes outsource your responsibilities. If you feel good about yourself, you can achieve great successes and the balance between giving and taking is in balance. Sometimes you could be a little less serious in life.

Master Number 33

Whether you see angel number 33 or master number 33, this number is  about your own development and is a key healing number. By nature you are always ready to offer help and insight in the field of spiritual development to others. You are loving and resourceful.  Because you love to help it is especially important that you do not neglect yourself. Your needs are also important! Don’t let others go beyond your limits. Learn to love yourself, then you can be a source of inspiration for others to live in harmony too.

Master Numbers with Angel Numbers

What do master numbers have to do with angel numbers? In many angel numbers, the master numbers are also present. For example, you have probably seen 11:11 or 22:22 as double numbers on the clock, or have to pay € 33.33 at the gas station. If you regularly notice this, then there is definitely a meaning hidden in it for you.

orgonite statue rainbow chakra angel with palo santo

More about Angels and Numbers

Would you like to meet your personal bodyguard? Then read the blog about your Guardian Angel! Are you curious about how you can connect more with the Archangels and ask them for help? Then maybe try lighting an Archangel Votive Candle. Or maybe you’re curious about other ways to communicate with your team of angels, like Pendulum Dowsing. Whatever you want to know, you will discover it at Spiru!

Check Out All of Our Gemstone Angels

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