The Amitayus Buddha is the Buddha for a long life. In the Buddhist tantra, many forms of Buddha (aspects) are distinguished, with which the meditating person identifies. The Buddha form is visualized in meditation and the meditating person then becomes one with the visualized Buddha. Buddha Amitayus (in Tibet: Tse Pag Med) is a form of Amitabha, the Buddha of boundless light. Amitayus holds a vase with immortality nectar in his hands. This is how he is the Buddha of long life. This is an ideal for Buddhists because it allows them to work on the liberation of other beings and themselves for longer in fortunate rebirth as human beings. His Lama gives the initiated the mantra of Amitayus and regularly recites it with the right intention.
5 cm
50 g
© 2025 Spiru
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