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Chakra Power: Energy Centers for Your Mind and Body

By Maggie 5 April 2022
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The chakras are seven energetic power points in your body. Where are your chakras and what do they do? Read on for our energizing explanation!

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What are Chakras?

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or circle of energy. According to most traditions, every human being has seven chakras, from head to foot, although some identify up to 114! In Eastern cultures, people have worked with these powerful nodes for centuries. You can find them in practices from yoga to Chinese acupuncture. Western science has difficulty proving their existence, nevertheless there is a growing interest in Chakras all over the world. Therefore, we’ve put together an introduction manual on recognizing the basic 7 chakra points and understanding their function. Once you know the basics, you can do your own research into the many ways that people use them!

chakra lantern with Himalayan salt lamp

Overview Chakras

How many different chakras are there? That depends on who you ask, because there is quite a bit of variation. According to one theory you have 5 and yet another, 114. That’s obviously quite a difference! However, they all have one thing in common: all chakras are energy points. The most well known tradition identifies 7 chakras. These are:

  • First: Muladhara – Root
  • Second: Swadhistana – Sacral or Sacrum
  • Third: Manipura – Solar Plexus
  • Fourth: Anahata – Heart
  • Fifth: Vishuddha – Throat
  • Sixth: Ajna – Forehead or Third Eye
  • Seventh: Sahasrara – Crown

What the Chakra Points in Your Body Do

According to yoga philosophy, all people live on energy or prana. This power enters your body from below and above through so-called energy channels or nadis. All chakras lie along these major channels. This gives them the power to perform their own tasks. They also give back energy that ends up at other chakras. This is how the seven nodes connect to each other! Well balanced chakras are like a finely tuned circuit.

Different Chakras: What do they Each Do?

The seven power points have their own chores, each intended to take care of body and mind in their own way. Thus, not only your health, but also your emotions and spiritual development fall under their responsibilities. So what is a chakra? Think of them as a sort of specialty shop: each knows everything about one specific area of ​​life and works hard to keep it in balance. For example, if your feet are bothering you, you can knock on the door of the first chakra. In addition to your foot pain, this energy cobbler could also help you with feelings of fear and doubts about your place in life. Handy, right?

root chakra symbol red meditation cushion

Muladhara – The Root Chakra

The first chakra is officially called Muladhara and according to yogis it is located at the bottom of your spine. Energy from the earth would enter your body through this root or base chakra. It would also provide a solid base by keeping your hips, buttocks, bones and lower back healthy.

What Does Muladhara Symbolize?

Mula means root in Sanskrit and therefore this energy point symbolizes basic needs. It ensures that you feel what you need and can act on it. Security and stability are important themes for this point.

Color of Muladhara

Red is the color of the root chakra, the hue of blood(ties) and distress signals. There is also an element to this first survival station, namely earth. According to yoga philosophy, you can always count on the ground to support you!

Swadhistana – The Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is called Swadhistana, which means sweetness and attractiveness. Located near your sacrum, just below the belly button, this node is responsible for the health of your kidneys, bladder, and genitals.

What Does Swadhistana Symbolize?

The second power point symbolizes emotions, sexuality, and creativity and can be recognized in your desires. This energy regulates your need for relationships and all the feelings that come with it. According to yogis, it also provides pleasure and zest for life.

Color of Swadhistana

Swadhistana’s symbolic color is orange, a cheerful shade that inspires you to make something beautiful out of it. The element of water also fits with this chakra. Just think of the kidneys that regulate your fluid balance or feelings: like waves that come and go!

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Manipura – The Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra is Manipura. This power point is located in the upper part of the abdomen, between your navel and the area below your chest, also known as the solar plexus. Energy Center Three influences your stomach, spleen and liver.

What Does Manipura Symbolize?

Manipura means sparkling jewel and this radiant chakra is central to self-confidence and willpower. According to yogis, this is your own inner voice that says: you’re a diamond, go for it! Think of it this way, the bottom two chakras help you to understand your needs and number three helps you to satisfy them.

Color of Manipura

You do need some spark for that, hence the associated element of fire. The color yellow represents the sun and optimism, to help you meet your needs with positivity!

Anahata – The Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is Anahata and it controls your heart, lungs, arms, and hands. This energy center connects the lower and upper three chakras and is therefore a kind of personal checkpoint according to yoga philosophy. Do you want to stimulate coordination of your different energy points? Look to your heart chakra for help!

What Does Anahata Symbolize?

Anahata translates best as ‘intact’ or ‘whole’. This fourth energy point wants different people and wishes to come together. You can recognize its calm power as love, kindness, trust, hope and finding a balance between giving and taking. Yes, also love and kindness for yourself!

Colors of Anahata

Heartfelt colors are the harmonious green and romantic pink, while the element of this chakra is air. Even the yogis say it: true love is a breath of fresh air!

Vishuddha – The Throat Chakra

Above the heart is Vishudda, also known as the throat chakra. This energy point belongs to your mouth and ears, keeps the vocal cords lubricated and regulates the functioning of your thyroid gland.

What Does Vishudda Symbolize?

Vishudda refers to purity. This energy center helps you to say and do what is necessary for you. In this way you would not only remain honest, but also cleanse yourself of feelings and thoughts in order to be able to move on. Your thyroid is also under the supervision of your throat chakra. This organ regulates your metabolism and in this way frees you from waste.

Color of Vishudda

The refreshing energy of the fifth chakra is associated with the color blue and the element of ether. Your unique sound waves can pass through that!

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Ajna – The Third Eye

Ajna sits at the height of your eyebrows. This sixth chakra controls your eyes, pineal gland, brain, nervous system, and face. Other names for this node are forehead chakra and Third Eye.

What Does Ajna Symbolize?

The Sanskrit word ajna means to know. According to yogis, this chakra stimulates your consciousness, intuition, and insight. The Third Eye would help you see what is really true, both within yourself and in the world around you. You could also dream about what you still want to make or do. Visions or clairvoyance are therefore not strange things for this seventh chakra!

Color of Ajna

Light is the element of the third eye, as it provides illumination. Many people believe that the color indigo or purple is appropriate for this power. It’s a true spiritual shade that has been worn by clerics and shamans for centuries and of course, you can too!

Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra

Sahasrara is the seventh point and is right on top of your crown. According to yogis, cosmic life energy descends in this crown or crown chakra. The seventh point therefore connects to your brain, whole body, and therefore all chakras.

What Does Sahasrara Symbolize?

The word sahasrara translate to ‘thousandfold’ or ‘infinitely many’. It does the exact opposite of the root chakra, which is your personal survival guide. Your upper energy point gives a feeling of unity with other living beings. In this way you can experience that differences between people are part of it and that they think and act without judgment.

Colors of Sahasrara

There are two colors associated with the seventh chakra, violet and white. Light purple stands for knowledge, while white represents all colors together. The element of this energy is thought. You can do a lot with thinking according to yoga philosophy. What you imagine can just become reality!

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Do more with Chakras?

According to yogis, you can balance Chakras with Matching Colors and elements. For example, do you want to give the heart area some love? Then provide ‘air’ through breathing exercises or surround yourself with green and pink during a chakra meditation. Gemstones in the right shade would also be perfect natural helpers for your energy points. There are even special Chakra Stone Sets that contain a crystal for all seven, some even with the chakra symbols on them. If you prefer to work with words, there are Sanskrit texts for each chakra meditation. You can, for example, repeat this during a Mantra Meditation or hang it on your mirror as inspiration! Or meditate silently on a Chakra Meditation Cushion that matches your energy needs. There are even Scented Candles to stimulate each chakra.

How do you balance your chakras?

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