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Om Mani Padme Hum: What Does it Mean?

By Maggie 27 September 2021
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You’ve probably seen the words before, but what is Om Mani Padme Hum exactly? Om Mani Padme Hum is a Mantra with a beautiful meaning and is loved in countless cultures around the world. In this blog you will find an explanation of its meaning and 3 popular ways to use and master the Mani-Mantra yourself!

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Om Mani Padme Hum is the central mantra of Tibetan Buddhism. People recite this mantra primarily to awaken feelings of love and compassion towards themselves and others. This compassion would then ultimately bring spiritual relief. However, before you start chanting them for yourself, you might want to know what these wonderful words actually mean.

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What Does the Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum Mean?

Om Mani Padme Hum is a Sanskrit mantra that translates to ‘praise the jewel in the lotus.’

There are two important ideas that are invoked when the mantra is chanted. The enlightenment represented by the lotus, and the compassion represented by its spiritual protector.

The Jewel-Lotus

In the OMPMH Mani translates as ‘jewel’ or ‘pearl’ and symbolizes wisdom. Padme or Pemé is a flower that grows in a swamp or pond, and that of course is the Sacred Lotus! You could interpret the lotus in this context as the growth and flowering of wisdom through enlightenment and the purity of that wisdom. Try to visualize it for yourself!

The Possessor or Protector

Through chanting this mantra, many believe that you actually invoke the guardian of this wisdom, called Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara or Chenrezig. This is the Buddha of Ultimate Compassion, who when called upon, would offer counsel and comfort to every sentient being.


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What is the Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra For?

Buddhists believe that there are emotions that can become unbalanced the mind, and this can cause people to suffer. They call these the ‘kleshas’ or poisons. While there are three well known root ‘kleshas’ (ignorance, greed, and rage), there are many more. The idea is actually quite comparable with the ten commandments from Christianity. The poisons are examples of behaviors or thoughts that we all experience, but are negative or destructive in some sense. Practicing the mantra is meant to help liberate you from these emotions. Therefore, the Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra may help in letting go of many negative feelings like:

  • Pride
  • Jealousy
  • Lust
  • Ignorance
  • Greed
  • Disgust

Buddhist monk bell

The Cleansing Actions per Syllable

You could think of the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra as a kind of natural cleansing from negative emotions! All you have to do is practice the mantra and be open to its action. It doesn’t matter what language you speak as your native tongue. It is always pronounced with the same 6 syllables: om ma ni pad me hum. Meaning in Hindi or in English, the mantra is effective! Each syllable liberates you from a specific feeling.

  • OM: frees you from pride
  • MA: frees you from jealousy
  • NI: frees you from lust
  • PA: frees you from ignorance
  • DME: frees you from greed
  • HUM: frees you from aversion

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Ways to Use the Mantra Om mani Padme Hum

Buddhist experts believe that the compassionate protector, Chenrezig, is impartial and available to all of us. Therefore, anyone can use the mantra and even give it their own interpretation. How you want to use the Om Mani Padme Hum is therefore entirely up to you. Below are three examples of ways to use the mantra!

Pronouncing the Mantra

Experts say that the more peaceful you allow yourself to become, the closer you come to the true meaning of Om Mani Padme Hum and this may help you to gain new insights. You do this by focusing on your breathing and not worrying about how well you recite the syllables. This principle also applies to every other Buddhist Mantra. Try using Mala beads to count your mantras, so you can just relax into your breath!

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Listening to the Mani-Mantra as Meditation Music

You can also listen to the mantra. You can easily find meditation music of all kinds that incorporate Om Mani Padme Hum. Zen meditation, a practice of observing and letting go of thoughts rather than chanting mantras, could even be enriched by this Mantra Music. For example, you can dream away while listening to Buddhists chant together, or relax enjoying a cheerful tune with a translation of the mantra. There are 1001 other versions of the Mani Padme, so feel free to explore which ones sound best to you!

Seeing the Om Mani Padme Hum Symbol

Seeing the mantra is said to have the same liberating effect as pronouncing or listening to it. You can therefore always carry the symbol with you in the form of jewelry or give it a special place in your home. We have various pieces of Tibetan Jewelry with the OMPMH Symbol and many other beautiful items. You can also buy Buddha Statues in the form of Chenrezig. Then you have the protector of the jewel of the lotus in your own home!

Want to Know More About Buddhist Ways of Life?

Mantra Meditation is just one of the many Buddhist ways of seeking enlightenment. It’s also a way to practice mindfulness or boost your Karma. Or, like Buddhists, use  Singing Bowls for that extra bit of extra focus and relaxation. Or maybe discover Buddhist and Tibetan art!

Last modification on 01 December, 2021 9:06 am

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