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Evil Eye – Powerful Protective Amulets

By Maggie 28 March 2022
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The Evil Eye is a common symbol of protection. But what is it and what does it protect from exactly? Discover it all here!

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You may not know much about Evil Eye Amulets, but you’ve surely seen them. Anyone who has vacationed in Turkey has come across them in just about every souvenir shop. But did you know that this symbol is thousands of years old? The earliest amulets are alabaster and date to 3,300 BCE! Blue glass Evil Eyes emerged around 1500 BCE in the Mediterranean Aegean islands. Even the ancient Egyptians had a protective blue eye symbol! Nowadays you’ll mostly find the Evil Eye in the form of amulets and jewelry. What is the Evil Eye and what does it protect us from? Read On!

Evil Eye Meaning

The Evil Eye is present in many cultures. It’s important to understand that the amulets that we call the ‘Evil Eye’, are actually protection against it. The Evil Eye itself is negative thoughts or envy towards you that can be harmful. It can be on purpose, but this is not always the case! Unconscious, jealous thoughts could also be harmful. Different cultures have their own name for this phenomenon, but for most, it is known as the Evil Eye. The blue eye amulet is protection against harmful looks from others. Some believe that bright blue eyes have an unlucky gaze too. An equally forceful blue eye in the form of an amulet, offers Evil Eye protection and counteracts the effect of the evil look.

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Evil Eye History

Belief in the Evil Eye is ancient and widespread. Evil Eye Bible references even appear in the Old Testament, where it denotes dangerous envy and selfishness. The word ‘ig-hul’ has been found in cuneiform writing on clay tablets dating from 3000 BC. This is a Sumerian word and literally means ‘evil eye’. Ancient Greeks used the eye as a symbol of protection on drinking vessels too. In the Middle Ages, especially many women were accused of having the Evil Eye.

Evil Eye Turkish Amulets

You often see Evil Eye amulets in Turkey, where it is a popular talisman amulet to ward off evil forces. It is very common as wall decoration or in jewelry. Many people believe in the power of the amulet there and believe that it can protect against evil. The Turkish eye amulet is called a Nazar Boncuğu or Nazar Boncuk. Nazar means ‘evil eye’ and boncuğu means “amulet.” A Nazar Boncuğu reflects the evil energy of the Evil Eye back to the person that it came from.

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Types of the Evil Eye

There are 3 types of evil looks:

  • Unconscious
  • Conscious
  • Invisible

The Unconscious Evil Eye

Many people think that the unconscious Evil Eye is not harmful, but nothing could be further from the truth! Even without conscious ill-will, a jealous or negative gaze can still cause harm. Try to be aware of people’s innate and unavoidable envy. Whether you like it or not, we all gaze with an envious eye from time to time.

The Conscious Evil Eye

Watch out for the conscious Evil Eye! As the name suggests, it is focused and purposeful. The instigator wants to hurt you in some way and wishes you bad luck.

The Invisible Evil Eye

According to many, the Invisible gaze is the gaze that does the most damage. But the color of your eyes also plays a major role. Blue eyes in particular are seen as dangerous in several countries. The gaze of people with blue eyes, according to many, brings bad luck.

Symptoms Evil Eye

How do you know if you have been affected by this Evil Eye? There are a few symptoms by which you might recognize it:

  • Drowsiness and a lot of yawning during the Roqyah
  • Paralysis of body parts
  • Frequent sweating on forehead and back
  • Sudden nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps and diarrhea
  • Cold parts on the body
  • Tingling and itching on the body
  • Fast beating heart
  • Fever
  • Hair loss
  • A lot of blinking and rubbing your eyes
  • Dreaming of staring eyes
  • Headache
  • Yellowish face or a black spot on the face or anywhere on the body
  • Forgetfulness
  • Sudden skin diseases and spots on the skin, such as eczema

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Evil Eye Remove Islam

Many Muslims repel the Evil Eye by doing Roqya for themselves. Roqya is receiving healing or protection from Allah through Qur’anic verses and supplications (dua). Sometimes you can also choose to have Roqya performed for you by a raqi. However, it is important to realize that Allah is the one who heals you and only when He wants to heal you. A raqi cannot heal you. So for this to work you must have trust in Allah.

Protection from Evil Eye

To protect yourself from the Evil Eye you can wear an amulet. These are available in many cultures and exist in different forms, not only blue glass beads. Besides the Turkish Nazar, you also have the Hamsa Hand or the Hand of Fatima. These amulets are often worn as jewelry, but in Turkey they are also common as a decoration on objects that can arouse jealousy. In some south Asian cultures children sometimes blacken their faces around the eyes, or place a black mark on their foreheads to avert the Evil Eye. African peoples protect themselves especially when eating and drinking. They believe that the Evil Eye does the most harm when the mouth is open.

Check Out Our Evil Eye Keychains

What Can You Do Against Evil Eye Without Jewelry?

We can imagine that you don’t always have a pendant or amulet with you to protect yourself against the Evil Eye. No worries! Do you feel a jealous look? Then quickly press the center of your forehead with your thumb. Then slide your thumb forward and snap your fingers. Lastly, clamp your thumb between your index and middle fingers and point the tip of your thumb to where the evil look came from. This will render that nastly look harmless. Useful!

evil eye ring on crystals

Does a broken Amulet protect against Evil Eye?

Don’t be alarmed if your amulet suddenly bursts or breaks into a thousand pieces. This only means that he has protected you well from evil looks. Basically this is the same as a gemstone that cracks or  dulls when it has absorbed too much negative energy and needs Cleansing. It is important that you replace the amulet with a new one afterwards so that you can continue to avoid other evil looks!

More Symbols and Their Meaning

Are you curious about more spiritual symbols? At Spiru you can learn all about the Flower of Life, the Ohm Symbol, the Pentagram, or even the Spiritual Meaning of Birds. Curious about more Amulets and Talismans? Then read our blog about what a Talisman is.  Find inspiring spiritual symbolism at Spiru!

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