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Crescent Moon – Growth, Energy, and Manifestation with the Waxing Moon

By Maggie 13 August 2022
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The Waxing Crescent Moon takes place between the new and full moon. But what does it mean for you? You will discover that in this blog!

waxing crescent moon over mountains

You may already know that the moon has an influence on the ebb and flow of the oceans, but also on our emotional tides as well. If you feel different than usual, it may have to do with the position of the moon. Knowing the different moon phases can be a real eye opener when it comes to our moods. What is Crescent Moon exactly? Read on!

What types of Crescent Moons are There?

A crescent moon occurs during the waxing and waning phases of the moon cycle. The Waxing Moon is the period when the moon becomes visible and the Waning Moon is when it starts to disappear. These are the phases between the New Moon and the Full Moon. Which side of the moon is illuminated depends on where you are and the moon phase. Here in the Netherlands, in the Northern Hemisphere, during the Waxing Moon we see the right side of our symbolically maternal celestial body getting bigger and bigger!

Speaking of symbolism, the crescent moon is a popular one! For example the Celtic Triple Moon, with the Waxing and Waning crescents on each side of the full moon is a powerful pagan symbol, especially popular within Wicca. Even more popular, you’ve probably seen a crescent moon with star on everything from jewelry to heraldry. It’s been widespread for just about as long as people have used symbolism. From pharaohs of Egypt to the ancient Greeks, and from the Sumerians to medieval Christianity, the crescent moon and star held powerful meaning. These days it is often associated with both Astrology and Islam. Few symbols are so universal, found throughout history and cultures. Only the Tree of Life and Flower of Life can compare!

hand drawn tarot moon waxing on world map

Crescent Moon Meaning

What does crescent moon mean? Its name comes from the curved shape, which is called a crescent. Waxing Moon, meaning the growing moon phase, is named after this process of increasing visibility. “Wax” means “to increase” or “to grow” gradually. The waxing moon is thus the period where the moon seems to be “increasing” or “growing”. A way to remember this is by thinking of the moon in this phase as a “wax” model gradually increasing in size as the sculptor works. It begins in the New Moon when the moon is not visible at all, and ends with the “fully sculpted” Full Moon.

“Waning,” as you’ve probably already guessed, means “to decrease.” Therefore, the Waning Moon is the phase when the moon gradually becomes less and less visible. The opposite of the Waxing Moon, this phase begins with the Full Moon and ends with the New Moon.

When is the Crescent Moon? Waxing or Waning?

To find out when the crescent moon is, we would like to explain what the lunar cycle looks like. The lunar cycle lasts about 28 days, beginning with the new moon and with the full moon in the middle. According to some, the lunar cycle consists of eight phases: new moon, young moon, first quarter, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, last quarter, and ashen moon. For the sake of convenience, we use four phases, with two crescent moons, the new moon and the full moon. Our four simplified moon phases then become: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. The Waxing Moon thus takes place in the first fourteen days of the lunar cycle and the Waning Moon the last 14 days. The Waxing crescent moon is the first 7 days, and the Waning Crescent moon the last 7.

waxing crescent moon through trees

Waxing Moon Ritual

Each phase of the moon has a ritual that best suits it. Some phases ask for action, and others for reflection, but they are all important for the process of Manifesting. For example, while you think about new intentions during the refreshing New Moon, during the Waxing Moon it’s time to get started putting your new ideas into action. The waxing moon phase is all about growth and action. Make a list of three concrete things you can do to make your wishes come true and take real action. You can also give your manifestations some extra power through Visualization. Ask the universe to help you! You could also harness some of this active power with Moon Water and save it for anytime you need a bit of extra motivation.

Waxing Crescent Moon Spiritual

During the waxing moon, it is also said that the earth breathes. It is the time when you take a good look at the intentions you have set during the new moon and the wishes you have expressed or written down during your New Moon rituals. It is also about attracting and seizing opportunities when they arise. According to some, dreams and plans take shape more easily during this period. This way you might notice that you have more energy to actually work on this. The moon is increasing, but so is her energy. She is becoming more and more visible, and so are your wishes.

Waxing Moon Influence

As the moon’s power slowly increases during this phase, it is always a good time to work on yourself and develop your plans. The Waxing Moon would be suitable to:

  • Take action
  • Increase your self-confidence
  • Work on your relationships and get married
  • Work and study
  • Strengthen your body, for example by exercising

But not suitable for:

  • Healing wounds
  • Removing negative energy
  • Losing weight

Waxing Crescent Moon

As we have seen, the waxing crescent is most accurately and specifically the first quarter of the moon cycle. This takes place about a week after the new moon. In the northern hemisphere we see that the right side of our luna is illuminated. This phase stands for taking action, taking steps and taking on challenges. Your week of rest and setting intentions of the New Moon is over and now it’s time to get down to work.

Waxing Crescent Moon Influence

During the phase of the waxing crescent moon, you are supposed to take the first steps towards making your wishes come true. In this phase, the first opportunities often come your way, but sometimes you are also tested. The First Quarter is a phase in which the sun and moon make a difficult aspect called a “square” in astrology. They are then perpendicular to each other at a 90 degree angle. This would create a feeling of restlessness and challenge. At the same time, it creates a friction energy that almost forces you to take action. You are challenged to find a suitable solution for difficult situations!

waxing moon zodiac pendant

Gemstones for the Waxing Moon

Gemstones that match the Waxing Moon are:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Tiger’s Eye

Rose Quartz and the Waxing Moon

Because you work with your wishes from your heart, the stone of love is a good choice. Rose Quartz is about everything that concerns your heart: (self) love, desire and passion to achieve your goals. As long as you are 100% behind your wishes and can believe in yourself, you will be able to make them come true.

Carnelian and the Waxing Moon

When taking the first steps, the Carnelian is a nice companion to carry with you. It could help you finish what you started and help you keep your feet on the ground. According to experts, it will help you persevere and give you the pleasure in your journey towards making your dreams come true.

Tiger’s Eye and the Waxing Moon

Tiger’s Eye is a nice stone during this moon phase, as it would help you make decisions and improve concentration. It would help you make the right decisions at the right time and also better understand what comes your way. According to experts, it makes you energetic and helps to increase your self-confidence!

Check Out All of Our Gemstones and Minerals

More About the Influence of the Moon

Have you already ‘over the moon’? Great, because we have a lot more blogs in store for you!  You can read everything about the New Moon, Full Moon and the Blood Moon. By the way, do you know how to make Moon Water? We highly recommend trying it out! Are you looking for more Astrology? Then read about the Zodiac Elements, Houses of Astrology or delve into our blogs about the different Zodiac Signs. We even have information ready for you about the Celtic Tree Zodiac. Whatever you want to know, you will discover it at Spiru!

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