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Full Moon Magic: Five Wiccan Rituals for a Radiant Time

By Maggie 1 March 2022
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The Full Moon has magical powers to many people. Read here what they are and which rituals you can perform under her luminous presence!

full moon necklace

Do you experience some extra spiritual energy in the light of a full moon? Then you are not alone! There are plenty of stories about the effect of her radiant glow. For example, pubs and police stations are usually overcrowded on these illuminated evenings. According to nurses, a full moon means rush hour in the maternity wards. Furthermore, many sensitive people and empaths feel that during a full moon emotions are especially strong. Remember that the moon is the major influence on the ebb and flow of the ocean, so it shouldn’t be surprising that a full moon creates an energetic and emotional ‘high-tide’ in people! Curious how that works? Find out here what powers this moon phase has and discover five full moon rituals to celebrate it!

Full Moon Meaning – Spiritual Supercharger

Most spiritual traditions view the full moon as a sort of mystical battery. Anyone can check out a Lunar Calendar to find the date and time of the fullest moons in the cycle, but according to witches and astrologers it doesn’t stop there. Many believe that there is also a lot of energy in the atmosphere two days before and after a full moon, so don’t worry about having perfect timing. Strong full moon vibes can already be felt in the waxing moon and continues for several hours or days into the waning phase.

full moon at twilight

Bad Sleep – Full Moon and Restlessness

There are many people who sleep poorly during a full moon. But why does that seem to be true? There are a number of explanations for this:

  • Light of the Full Moon
  • HSP ( Highly Sensitive Person)
  • Opposing Sun and Moon

Full Moonlight

Do you feel more tired during a full moon? That’s not so crazy! The full moon’s light is obviously a lot brighter than when only part of it lights up the sky. Because more light falls through our bedroom window, many also seem to produce less melatonin during this moon phase! That’s exactly the Sandman’s dust that helps us to sleep, so with less of it, we toss and turn during a full moon. If you find yourself struggling to sleep during a full moon, then maybe try some dark curtains to help boost your natural melatonin production.


Are you a highly sensitive person or do you get anxious easily? Then there is a good chance that you will feel the influence of the full moon on your mood. Astrologically, the moon is a symbol of our emotions. Just like the sun’s rays reveal the full moon, suppressed emotions can also be exposed. Anyone who has tried to sleep while repressed emotions are bubbling up to the surface knows that it can sometimes keep you awake.

Opposition Sun and Moon

The astrological effect of the full moon is a sense of opposition. It’s not only the moon influencing you during the full moon; the sun is also making its presence felt! Because these two radiant celestial bodies are directly opposite each other, and therefore in opposite signs, this could create a sense of conflict. Try to focus on the two as a pair to be balanced rather than in a power struggle.

wall tapestry sun and moon

What Does the Full Moon Do to You?

All those sleeping problems during the full moon aren’t so strange then, are they? But what is the full moon good for? For witches, the energy of the full moon is a kind of cosmic amplifier. For example, this phase of the moon cycle can help to emphasize what is important to you. Think of it as putting a much-needed magnifying glass over your life. Hidden or unconscious thoughts, desires, and emotions become illuminated under this powerful moon beam microscope! Because of this, the full moon phase is a fertile time for insights and new plans. It would be a good time for Wiccans to take advantage of this creative celestial energy for their magical work. On these evenings, the veil between the visible world and that of invisible forces can be paper thin, so it’s a perfect time to tap into hidden energies!

Full Moon Ritual – Wicca and Witchcraft

Because the Full Moon is said to have a lot of magical power, Wiccans see it as the ideal time to recharge their tools and to gain some personal insights. According to experts, these five rituals are total moon power, but you could make up your own variations! Creativity and doing what feels right are part of this fertile time, so feel free to experiment!

Full Moon Wiccan Rituals Include:

  • Glass Ball Viewing
  • Divining with Pendulums or Tarot Cards
  • Dream Diary Writing
  • Crystal Charging
  • Full Moon Altar Making

black cat and crystal ball

Glass Ball Viewing

A typical Wiccan full moon ritual is Glass Ball Viewing. These beauties look a bit like the moon, which is part of what makes them such a great tool. During a full moon you may be able to see clearly, both literally and figuratively, which makes it a great time to think about important life questions. So grab a Crystal Ball on these mysterious evenings to help you discover what you already know deep down! Maybe try to see if under the full moon wishes are revealed in your glass orb, or perhaps you’ll see your inner most thoughts.

Divining with a Pendulum and Tarot Cards

Divining and Commuting is also a great practice on these moon-lit nights. Use such a spiritual session to get answers about issues that have been gnawing at you. The powerful energy of the full moon would be perfect for stimulating clarity and decision making. Do you need a little more support to understand what’s going on? The Tarot is full of symbolic support and astrological signs such as Sun, Moon, and Stars. So make sure to grab for your Cards or Pendulum during such a clear night! Not sure how to use a pendulum? Learn about it in our blog A Beginner’s Guide to Pendulum Dowsing.

Dream Diary

According to many spiritual traditions, your dreams have meaning. Many people around the world also believe that during the full moon is the best time for visions. That makes the full moon a perfect time to keep a dream diary. You might spot some typical moon symbolism in your nighttime adventures or you could ask the moon for insights before going to sleep. Who knows, something might reveal itself through your unconscious mind, so be ready to record it. Just remember that the dreams just before and after the full moon are also influenced by its unveiling energy, so pay attention to those too!

dream catcher dream diary

Crystal Charging

The full moon can be perfect for cleansing and charging crystals. According to most people, its powerful gravity helps to remove energetic dirt while in the meantime the moon beams charge the stones. You can also Cleanse Gemstones beforehand and then put them on the windowsill to charge overnight, so your spiritual powerhouses are all set for their next magical act! Check out more Tips for Charging Crystals Here.

wiccan altar with palo santo and smudge

Full Moon Altar Making

Do you want to celebrate the full moon? A great way to do so is to make an altar with symbols and offerings that depict and venerate it. For example, you can use water or other reflective surfaces to signify its luminosity. This helps you to evoke the emotional power and self-reflection of the full moon. Appropriate offerings could be seasonal fruits, flowers and herbs. The same fertile energy can be expressed by adding images of goddesses or mother figures. Whatever you use to make a Wiccan Altar, do your full moon ritual with love and a personal touch. According to witches, your personal touch strengthens your magic!

Are you new to Wicca, or is the full moon inspiring to try a new spiritual journey? Check out our Introduction to Wicca for some useful tips and explanations.

Full Moon Gemstones

Many people decide to charge gems during the full moon. But did you know that there is also a gemstone that matches this moon phase? As you probably know, the light from the sun reflects on the moon and during this phase we see it as most illuminated. According to some, the moon actually captures the light from the sun, and then passes it on to us. Some also believe this about the Sunstone. If you want to capture the energy of the moon, then the Sunstone is the ideal choice. Try a Sunstone in your pocket to withstand the bubbling emotions and stay cheerful.

Check Out Out Assortment of Gemstones Here

sunstone raw gemstone

Want to Know More About Astrology?

The symbolism of stars and planets inspires many people to live their best life. For example, you can find out which gemstone matches your zodiac sign, so that you always have a crystal buddy at hand. If you also know under which sign the Moon is in your Horoscope, you can expand your gemstone collection with a variety that better suits your inner life. In addition, take a look at its different phases. During the New Moon, for example, it would be an ideal time to let go of what you don’t want to take with you into the next cycle.

What does the full moon mean to you?

Last modification on 22 March, 2022 1:20 pm

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