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Yoga Block Exercises: How to Use this Helpful Prop

By Maggie 5 September 2022
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How can you use yoga blocks and other props to get the most out of your daily yoga practice? Find out in this blog!

cork yoga block grey yoga belt with white flowers

Yoga has become an important part of our culture these days and in the West, it is mainly associated with promoting balance and health in the human body. Not only that, but it can even help with relaxation and reducing stress. Not everyone is naturally good at yoga, but luckily there are props that can give you  a little assistance during the poses. Whether you’re a novice yogi or practice advanced Ashtanga, it doesn’t matter! A yoga block can be a helpful addition for every practice. Do you want to know how? Read on!

What Are Yoga Blocks?

A yoga block, also known as a yoga brick, can be used as an aid during your yoga session and is one of the most commonly used yoga props. Some traditional blocks look a bit like a large brick. However these days they also come wedge shaped and oval. The materials used for the blocks may differ. For example, you have durable cork yoga blocks or blocks made of foam and even wood.

cork yoga block spiru

What You Use a Yoga Block for

A block can serve as an extension of your arm and can support both muscles and joints in certain asanas that you may otherwise not be flexible or strong enough for. It can even be a great way to prevent injuries, because you don’t have to force your body beyond its limits. You don’t use a block with all forms of yoga. The most common yoga styles that use a block are Yin Yoga and Iyengar Yoga. You can even use a yoga block in combination with a yoga belt, bolster, and blankets in these yoga forms.

Benefits of Yoga Blocks

There are many benefits to using a yoga block. As mentioned above, a yoga block can prevent possible injuries, because you force your body less! But just as importantly, a yoga block can be used by people with physical complaints. Someone with bad knees or tight hips for example, could find even the simple cross-leg sit (Sukhasana) difficult. Sitting on a block or supporting your knees with blocks can make this pose much more comfortable. For more advanced Yogis, blocks can help you to hold poses longer and deeper so that you can perform the exercises better. This helps you to build even more strength and flexibility. Handy, right? This way you get the most out of your yoga exercises!

cork yoga block sukhasana meditation outdoors

How You do Exercises with Yoga Blocks

The yoga block can be used according to your own needs and you decide for yourself what you use a block for. It can be a help for just about any yoga exercise, it just depends on your personal needs. For example, think of exercises such as backbends. Many people are intimidated by them, but with blocks they’re much easier to practice. There are of course many yoga exercises with blocks, but there are a few asanas where a yoga block is really useful:

  • bridge pose
  • half moon pose
  • squat
  • camel pose

Bridge Pose

When using a block in the bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), this asana is called the assisted bridge pose. Place the block between your lower back and buttocks so that it rests exactly where you feel two dimples in your lower back, which marks the upper edge of your pelvis. You can rest here supported by the block and enjoy the stretch! If you want to activate your bridge pose, then squeeze the block between your knees and then try to raise your pelvis without letting the block fall. They’re both great modifications to practice!

Half Moon Pose

If you have trouble balancing in this challenging pose, placing a block under your arm that reaches toward the floor. It will add a few inches to your reach in the half moon (Ardha Chandrasana) allowing you to support yourself on the ground. Start with the block upright and then try laying it flat, and feel the difference!

wedge yoga block cork spiru white flowers


The squat asana (Malasana) does not seem like a big challenge for most yogis and yoginis, but nothing could be further from the truth! Having to keep your feet flat on the floor as you lower your buttocks can cause quite a bit of instability (even for advanced yogis and yoginis). By placing a block under your buttocks you have some extra support. Or, if you have trouble keeping your heels down, try a wedged shaped block to gently support your feet.

Camel Pose

The camel (Ustrasana) is a slightly more challenging asana. In this pose you’ll need two blocks. Place the blocks on the outside of your feet. This allows you to place your hands on the blocks during the exercise instead of on your heels making the stretch gentler. Again, begin with them standing up and if that is comfortable and you want a deeper stretch, you can try laying them flat.

Get More out of Your Yoga Session

Yoga is a great sport for anyone who wants to improve their strength, flexibility, and balance. Due to the many props that are available today, yoga has become a little more accessible for everyone and anyone can create a comfortable and safe practice at home! Use the yoga Block, Belt, Bolster, and comfortable Yoga Mats to get the best out of your practice. Who knows, with a little practice you may soon be an advanced yogi or yogini.  Add Meditation and a Spiritual Cleanse to you wellness routine and really balance you body and soul. You can find all your yoga inspiration at Spiru!

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