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Blood Moon – The Meaning of This Breathtaking Phenomenon

By Maggie 17 May 2022
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A Blood Moon is a total lunar eclipse during which the moon glows red. What does it mean for you? Find out in this blog!

blood moon, milky way, and shooting star

A glowing red orb in the sky: it is a special natural phenomenon. At some point we all walk out into the night at the same time just to watch this spectacle. But why? How special is it and what is the significance of the Red Blood Moon? To find out, read on!

What is a Blood Moon?

When the moon is in the shadow of the earth, there is a total lunar eclipse. The red glow reflected from Earth creates a Blood Moon. If you are lucky, then at that moment your little piece of the earth is facing towards the moon and then you can see this special natural phenomenon!

How Does a Blood Moon Happen?

As you probably know, the moon itself does not glow. The light of the moon is a reflection of sunlight. When the Earth is exactly between the sun and the moon, the moon falls in the cone-shaped shadow of the earth. We call this the Umbra. Some light still escapes along the edges of the Earth and this light is diffracted by the atmosphere. Only red and orange light can pass and penetrate the Umbra. This causes the moon to turn dark red during the eclipse. This is what causes a blood moon, meaning without atmosphere there would be no red glow!

blood moon lunar eclipse black sky

Spiritual Meaning Blood Moon

The Moon is the mother of the universe and symbolizes our emotions. During an eclipse, certain emotions can be strengthened. The Blood Moon spiritually means change and spiritual growth. Through this special moon, negative and unprocessed feelings can be highlighted and it can become clear what is happening within you emotionally. That can cause some inner turmoil. It may not sound like an event that you look forward to, but in reality it can be very useful. For a short time you would be directly and deeply connected to your intuition. It’s a great time for Pendulum Dowsing, as answers come clearly, straight from your unconscious mind. You could also save some of this extra intuitive energy for later by making Moon Water under the Blood Moon.  It’s great for rituals and spiritual viewing. Pure Moon Magic!

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Blood Moon and Astrology

The energy of this natural phenomenon is a great opportunity to get started with your personal growth. Both the Full Moon and the Blood Moon are all about harvesting energy, but they also asks you to look at what you want to let go of in order to make more room to be yourself. Because during the Blood Moon emotions are right on the surface, you can use this time to discover and break old patterns and let go of limiting beliefs. It may be a good time to do a cleansing ritual like Smudging to help get rid of any old unuseful energy that lingers around you.

In addition, astrologers always look at the zodiac sign where the moon is and how it combines with the influences of other planets. The sign at the time of the Blood Moon can tell you a lot about the themes that it will reveal. The moon in Aries has a very different energy than when it is in the sign of Pisces for example. This energy applies to everyone, but affects everyone in a different area of ​​life based on your Zodiac Sign and Element, as well as your Astrological House. You can find out where the moon affects you by looking at your birth chart. Find out which house and the zodiac sign that the Blood Moon is in, and then you will know what areas of life are most affected.

white sage smudge stick

Blood Moon Biblical Meaning

Some Christians give meaning to the Blood Moon by looking to stories from the Bible. They often link these kinds of special natural phenomena to the end times. After all, the Bible tells us to pay attention to the signs in the heavens: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” So many believe that the Blood Moon would be an omen of the Day of Judgment. This might be a good time for you to check in with your Guardian Angel for guidance about what positive changes you should be making in your life.

Bad Sleep with the Blood Moon

A Lunar Eclipse can bring a lot of emotions and energy to you. You could be restless and have trouble falling asleep, or experience overwhelming emotions and headaches. You could also feel doubt between feelings and reason. That close connection to your intuition could raise many questions about the right choices you need to make when letting go and taking new paths.

How Often Does the Blood Moon Occur?

Lunar eclipses are more common than we think. These just don’t always look like the Red Blood Moon and sometimes they occur when it’s night on the other side of the world. When that’s the case, then there is not much to see in our little country. On January 21, 2019 there was even talk of a Blood Moon Supermoon visible from Holland. This is a full lunar eclipse when the moon is unusually close to the earth. If you missed this one, you’ll have to wait a little longer. The next Super Blood Moon that we can see here in the Netherlands is in May 2025.

blood moon lunar eclipse

More Astrology at Spiru

To know what this moon means to you, it is important to understand your horoscope. There is a lot to discover about the different constellations. There is also always a Full Moon at the time of a Red Blood Moon. In our blog about the Full Moon you can read four rituals you can perform to work with her energy. We are also happy to give you tips on how to work with the New Moon. You will find plenty of inspiration in all our blogs about astrology!

What do you think of the Blood Moon?

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