Black tourmaline is believed to help you ground better. Furthermore, it is said to encourage rationality, logical thinking. Tourmaline black, also called Schörl, is said to be a purifying and protective stone. According to experts, it gives you more self-confidence and grants you decisiveness in difficult times
Flower of life: starting from one circle, then further constructed by repeatedly drawing circles from a point on the circle, a geometric pattern emerges that looks like a stylised flower: the “Flower of Life”.
The “Flower of Life” is one of the most powerful nature symbols from sacred geometry. It is an ancient metaphor for the interconnectedness of all life in the universe. This “Flower of Life” is known in many world civilisations; it is mainly used for vitalising and stabilising foodstuffs.
Orgone means life energy (Chi, Ether or Prana).
It consists of a combination of crystals, resin and metals. In particular it contains Herkimer crystal which is believed to help cleanse electromagnetic radiation. According to experts, it cleanses and balances energy and harmonises the Chi in and around us. In addition, it is believed that orgone converts negative energies into positive ones and that it is effective against negative earth radiation, spin inversion and electro-smog.
According to experts, the orgone pyramid is specially designed to balance the energy field in a living or working space. The pyramid can also be carried in the pocket or placed under the pillow
Disclaimer: our products are not to be used as replacement of medical or other professional help, care or support. In case you experience any health issues, always consult a certified doctor.
65 – 70 mm
168 g
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