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Astrology Houses – Blueprints of Your Life

By Maggie 29 March 2022
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Houses in astrology symbolize important areas of your life. Which are these? You’ll discover that in this blog!

astrology houses birth chart

Houses in astrology are important when reading an astrological birth chart. Maybe you already know what your zodiac sign is, but you don’t know the meaning of the house that contains your sun. From your business card to your dreams, from friends to romance: you can find it all in the astrological houses. Read on to find out more!

What is an Astrological House?

An astrological house is a part of your birth chart, which you can calculate based on the date, place, and time of a person’s birth. When reading a horoscope, houses create a kind of blueprint of your character traits and how they will emerge throughout your life. Such a blueprint is divided into twelve sections, like a kind of pie. Each section represents one of the houses in astrology. In total there are twelve houses, just as there are twelve zodiac signs. In your birth chart, each astrological house is governed by a zodiac sign. Signs are set constellations in space, while houses are our view of the universe as the earth moves through space.

Astrology Houses Meaning

Each house represents a specific area of ​​life, such as your work or relationships. The sign that rules over that house shows how you deal with these areas of life. For example, think of the planets as representing the ‘what’, the zodiac sign as the ‘how’ and the house as the ‘where’.

The Four Important Cusps Between the 12 Houses

Astrology complicates matters even more: have you ever heard of the cusps? These are the lines that indicate the beginning of the house. This allows you to see which sign rules over a particular house. All houses in astrology have a cusp, but in a birth chart these are the four most important:

  • Ascendant (cusp first house)
  • Imum Celie or IC (fourth house cusp)
  • Descendant (cusp seventh house)
  • Medium Celie, MC or Midheaven (cusp tenth house)

The Ascendant tells you a lot about what energy you send into the world while the IC is about your early years and home life. Your descendant cusp is about your relationships and the Midheaven references your ambitions. Four crucial parts of your life, you might say!

astrology houses and zodiac sign chart

Meaning Houses Astrology

It is sometimes difficult to interpret the houses clearly, because each house deals with different areas of life. The translation of a planet and sign in an astrological house can be done in many ways. If you’re new to houses and astrology, it’s best to start with your own horoscope before trying to interpret others. Do you want to know what meaning the houses in the horoscope have? Then read on!

First House Astrology

“It’s important to make a good first impression!” You’ve surely gotten this advice at some point. The first house of astrology comes into play here; it determines the first impression you make on others. It reflects your general attitude in everything you do. It’s well known that astrology also deals with your physical body and appearances. In reality, it’s much more than that, because it also reveals your lifestyle and taste in clothes. You can compare it with a shop window or business card. Discovering your ascendant can provide a lot of insight. For example, the decisive Aries Sign with Cancer on the Ascendant would approach situations carefully. Did you know that it even says something about your driving style? For example, a Libra ascendant would like to take other road users into account and make good decisions while driving.

Second House Astrology

The 2nd house in astrology is mainly about worth, both personal and financial. For example, the sign in this house reveals how we handle our money and our possessions. Are you smart with your money? Do you have a hole in your wallet or are you a bit stingy? It also shows what we value in others and how we value ourselves. The planets that appear in the house in your birth chart show what you value most in your life. Venus, planet of love, beauty and pleasure, would indicate luxury and comfort in this house. Expensive jewelry or a bed with silk sheets give a sense of self-worth. It could also mean that someone is looking for a stable and long-term relationship.

neon sign gemstone

Third House Astrology

The 3rd house in astrology is all about communication, knowledge, short trips, primary school, siblings, and your immediate environment. If you have an unusually high amount of planets in the third house, your life is very much about knowledge. The sign in this house reveals how you treat your immediate environment, including your brothers and sisters. It refers to how you make contact, how you talk, listen, and think. Interestingly it can also tell you something about how you come across to others when you communicate. Do you have Capricorn in this house? Then you could, for example, come across as wise, serious, or even distant. Perhaps you feel inhibited in your communication. Check your sign in the third house to discover why that is.

Fourth House Astrology

The 4th house in astrology is about your roots, past, private life, your home, family, where you feel at home and the people who feel like family. It gives information about your parentage and the parent you have the strongest bond with, but generally it represents the father. Because the sign in this house tells about your past family life, this also reveals what makes you feel safe. Many planets in this house can indicate a large role of home life on this person. For people with the Sun in the fourth house, family plays a big role in their lives. Because people with sun in the third house are family oriented, they can also be quite introverted and a real house mouse, regardless of how extroverted their zodiac sign usually is.

neon constellations on lit globe

Fifth House Astrology

The 5th house of astrology is all about romance, creativity, relaxation and children. It’s your carefree side, that which you enjoy on a day off. It stands for the playful and cheerful things in life, and the places where you are not afraid to take risks. It is strongly connected to your hobbies, creativity, and the recreation that you enjoy. Where the 7th house in astrology is about true loves and relationships, the fifth house is about love affairs. Because this sign is stongly related to enjoyment, it’s also about lust, sex, seduction, and pleasure. Sagittarius in the fifth house is said to make an adventurous character, one who can often be found in the casino and likes to travel. A carefree type that doesn’t take things too seriously!

Sixth House Astrology

Do you approach everything systematically or are you all over the place, thriving in chaos? This depends on the zodiac sign that falls in the sixth house of your birth chart. The sixth house represents daily life, service, habits, health, colleagues, and daily work. It’s not about the position you hold, but how you perform your work. Which sign you have in this house can also show what you need to function and how you can best take care of yourself. Also pets and other small animals belong to this house. Planets in this house provide important information. With the moon in this house, taking care of yourself could be extra important, as it affects your emotions. Routine is part of that too!

Seventh House Astrology

The seventh house is about 1-on-1 relationships, contracts, and collaboration. Who do you fall in love with? Which sign is in this house or on the Descendant cusp reveals what attracts you to a partner. The first house or the Ascendant mainly revolves around you, while the seventh house is all about the other person. And you know what they say: opposites attract! Suppose your Ascendant is Leo, then you would have Aquarius on the Descendant. This can mean that you are attracted to independent people who are just a little bit different, or to people who value you as you are. Often the seventh house is about relationships with loved ones, but it can also inform you about business partners or even enemies. In fact, this house contains information about every VIP in your life! It also hints about how you work best with others.

neon heart sign

Eighth House Astrology

This is an intense house. The 8th house of astrology is about the subconscious, deeply rooted emotions, traumas, inheritance, taboos, but also sexuality. In a dark distant past this was the house of death, but today it is more known as the house of transformation and rebirth. Think of it as the transition between winter and spring, where decaying leaves are absorbed by the soil and give life to another plant that blooms in that same spot. It’s also about everything you’d rather not talk about, so all things taboo. Hence, both death and sex come to the foreground in this house, as well as tax matters and other financial obligations. Are you still following? Even many astrologers find this house complicated!

Ninth House Astrology

Everything in this house screams adventure! The 9th house in astrology deals with distant travel, higher education, expansion, religion, and philosophy. It stands for growth and the need to broaden your horizons. It is the area where you explore, hoping to find answers. Here you see the development of yourself through study or other ways to increase your knowledge. If you have Jupiter, planet of expansion and happiness, in this house, this ‘growth’ would be easy for you. You probably think like a true philosopher. Your thirst for knowledge may never be satisfied!

book store sign neon

Tenth House Astrology

The beginning of the tenth house is also known as the Midheaven. The Midheaven is opposite to the IC. While the IC is often about the father, the Midheaven is usually about the mother, but in any case, the other parental figure. In addition, it indicates what type of mark you’ll make, your status and reputation, and what your ambitions are. It reveals what you want to get done in the world and how you want to do it. Are big things in store for you? Take a peek at the 10th house to find out! The sixth house is about daily activities, but the tenth house is about your larger place in society. Is Piscies on the cusp of the tenth house? Then a career in which you can use your imagination, feeling, or creativity would suit you well! It would also be a good alignment for spiritual professions.

Eleventh House Astrology

The eleventh house is about friendships, networks, and wishes. Your entire social life is in this house, as are your hopes and desires! The sign on the cusp of the 11th house in astrology shows your role in groups and how you want to make your wishes come true. It’s about the people with whom you are connected and with whom you associate. In the eleventh house you can read what kind of friend you are and what kind of friends you attract. Saturn in this house could indicate life lessons from friends and difficult, but long-lasting contacts. This part of your horoscope is also about your ideals and the things you strive for. It is the image of Utopia and what you think society should look like.

Twelfth House Astrology

Finally, there is the 12th house of astrology! The sign that rules your twelfth house tells you something about how you withdraw and your spirituality. Also, this house is about your fears and dreams. It is a profound, dark and personal part of your birth chart. It’s a look behind the scenes, and the place where we prefer to sweep things under the rug. For example, the communicative Gemini in this house could mean that you prefer not to speak your thoughts, because you are very aware of your words and how others react to them. Some associate this house with suffering and sacrifice, others with the lighter side of angels and guides who stand by us in difficult times. Also hospitals, prisons and addictions belong to this house.

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Planets in the Horoscope Houses

The planets in your birth chart all have their own function. They symbolize certain parts of the psyche. They are the characters that bring your horoscope to life. Although the sun and moon are celestial bodies, they also count as planets in astrology. This is what these “wanderers” in the horoscope houses can stand for:

  • Sun: what you focus on, your individuality, where you shine, your strength
  • Moon: what you need, how you deal with emotions
  • Mercury: what you think about and talk about, what you are interested in
  • Venus: your idea of ​​romance and luxury
  • Mars: where anger and willpower are harnessed, what you fight for
  • Jupiter: where happiness lies, where things run smoothly, where you broaden your horizons
  • Saturn: life lessons, where you are serious, feel inhibited, work hard
  • Uranus: where you are contrarian, strive for freedom and independence, chaos
  • Neptune: where you feel confused and lost, what inspires you
  • Pluto: where you transform, want to be in control, what changes your life

Three or More Planets in the Astrology Houses

If you have three or more planets in the same house or sign, it is called a Stellium. This creates an extra, almost obsessive, focus on a certain area of ​​life. These areas play a prominent role in your life, so this is where you can focus your attention. It can give you an “aha” moment when you discover a Stellium, because it also imparts the properties of a certain sign to you. Let’s say your sun in Virgo looks a little desolate, but you have a Stellium in the sign of Scorpio. Then it could just be that you recognize yourself more in that last sign than in your sun sign (or zodiac sign).

zodiac constellation globe

Unoccupied Houses Astrology Meaning

Although the houses with many planets are important areas in your life, there is also a good chance that some of your houses in the horoscope are empty. This does not mean that these parts of your life are unimportant, but that you naturally focus your attention on other things.

More Astrology

Astrology is a fascinating but complicated subject. Most people know their signs, but not much else. If you want to expand your knowledge a bit, read our Blog about the Elements of the Zodiac Signs. Maybe you’re curious about how the moon cycle affects you. We have bolgs about the New Moon and Full Moon Rituals. Or if you want to keep it personal,check out our blog on Birthstones to find out about what crystal energy matches you best. You’ll find plenty of information about what energies affect you!

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