There is a birthstone ring for everyone. Do you know which birthstone is yours? A birthstone symbolizes a particular month of the year. Each birthstone has its own meaning and stands for qualities like peace, tranquility or good health. Legends even claim that these gems have special powers. It only makes sense that you always want to wear your birthstone as a ring!
According to tradition, a birthstone is a personal Talisman Amulet that provides strength and inspiration. There are several stories surrounding the origins of the birthstones, but the most well known comes from the Bible. In the book of Exodus, the breastplate of Aaron is described as having twelve gemstones. These stones symbolized the twelve tribes of Israel and were an important element of the sacred breastplates worn by High Priests of the Israelites. In the first century C.E. the Jewish scholar Flavius Josephus saw a connection between these sacred stones and the twelve signs of the zodiac.
Centuries later, around the 9th century, a connection was made with the twelve months of the year. This led to the practice among monks and scholars of wearing just one stone at a time: the stone associated with the month. They believed that the stones had special mystical powers and that the powers of the stones were strongest during their corresponding month. It wasn’t until the 16th century in Germany that wearing a stone associated with your birth month became fashionable. Many now believe that the stones only have powers when worn by someone born in that specific month, or if the month has some other special meaning for you.
The gemstones each match one of the sun signs, which in turn is linked to your date of birth and the other elements of your zodiac sign. The place where the sun is situated at the time of your birth is said to represent your ego, your drive, and your deepest desires. However, that would only be a small part of your personality.
Your full birth chart includes other parts of your zodiac sign. In astrology, your ascendant sign and your moon sign would also be important. Your ascendant is said to represent the way you present yourself to the outside world and your moon sign would symbolize your emotional life. So you can wear different birthstone jewelry depending on what aspect of your zodiac sign you feel most connected to.
At Spiru we sell a birthstone ring for each month. Wearing your birthstone in a ring, you could feel the power of your personal gemstone every day! Below, you can find which gemstone ring suits you best.
In addition to beautiful personal birthstone rings, we also have Raw Gemstone Pendants with every birthstone of the month and Birthstone Pendants. This way you can find the perfect way to experience the extra power of your birthstone! You could also wear a Zodiac Pendant or give one of these as a gift to someone you love. A gemstone gift is always an inspiring idea!
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