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Yoga Strap Exercises: How to Use a Yoga Belt

By Maggie 22 September 2022
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Yoga strap exercises: Do you want to add something extra to your yoga session? That is possible with a yoga belt. Find out how in this blog!

pink yoga belt d ring

Yoga is a form of exercise that can provide you with more relaxation, both physically and mentally. Nowadays there are various yoga props that can add something to your yoga session and even give you a helping hand. Do you want to use a yoga belt, but don’t know how? Read on for some yoga belt exercises!

What is a Yoga Belt?

The yoga belt or yoga strap can be used with different yoga styles. The most common are Iyengar and Hatha yoga. They are often woven bands with plastic or metal buckles in the shape of a D ring so that you can fasten and loosen them easily. It can serve as an extra extension of your arm. This can help with certain asanas that involve a lot of forward or backward bending.

Why You Use A Yoga Belt

A yoga belt is essentially a fitness belt that provides assistance with different types of asanas. Whether it’s for Iyengar yoga or yin yoga, that’s entirely up to you! You can even use a belt for Pilates. Yogis and yoginis use a belt as an extra extension of their arm(s) so that they can perform asanas more precisely. You can also use a belt if you notice that you have short muscles. This makes it easier for you to stretch your legs, for example!

yoga forward fold

Yoga Belt with a Door

Another way to use your yoga belt is by using it with a door that. By means of an extra long yoga belt (of about 250 cm) you can, for example, practice ballet stretches. This is called the ‘Yoga Belt Leg Stretch’ or the ‘Extend Ballet Stretch Band’. However, this is recommended for advanced yogis and yoginis.

Benefits of a Yoga Belt

However, the benefits of a yoga belt differ per yogi or yogini. One person is just a bit more flexible, taller, or has different intentions than the other. Below you will find an overview of the advantages:

  • Making Asanas Easier to Practice
  • Better Alignment
  • Preventing Injuries
  • Reaching Goals Quicker
  • Longer Muscles

Making Asanas Easier to Practice

Some asanas have a slightly different level of difficulty than others. Are you a novice yogi or yogini but still want to be able to practice asanas as deeply as possible? Then the yoga belt ensures that you can reach your feet until you develop more flexibility. After practicing a few times you will even notice that you can do it without a belt.

Better Alignment

If you use a belt, you will be forced to really think about each posture you adopt during your practice. Of course, this will not happen with the first try! At some point, your muscles will remember the posture on their own, giving you a better posture without thinking about it.

Preventing Injuries

In asanas that you haven’t quite mastered yet, a yoga belt can help prevent injury. This can be useful for exercises where you have to stretch a lot. Just make sure to not stretch your muscles too far at once.

Reach Goals Quicker

Perhaps an unexpected benefit, but certainly one to remember! By using a yoga belt you can reach your goal faster. A belt can help to relax better and can also help open joints, allowing you to progress in your yoga positions.

Longer Muscles

By using the belt during designated yoga exercises you can stretch your muscles. Especially if you have short muscles this will help! Lengthening your muscles has other benefits that do not only apply to yoga. For example, think of running.

cow face pose back clasped hands

How to do Yoga Belt Exercises

If you need some help picturing which poses a yoga belt can be helpful for, here are some yoga belt exercises to get you started:

  • Boat Pose (Navasana)
  • The Dancer (Natarajasana)
  • Cow’s Head (Gomukhasana)
  • Seated or Standing Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

Boat Pose (Navasana)

The Boat Pose or Navasana pose combines two muscle groups: back and abs. However, this does require some balance. This is where the yoga belt comes into play! Place the strap under the soles of your feet in the middle and hold both ends. When you’ve done that, bring your chest forward. This creates a nice straight back. You can also fasten the belt with the buckle so that you get a loop and then position it around the middle of your back.

The Dancer (Natarajasana)

The Dancer or Natarajasana is an asana where you balance on one leg and hold the other out behind you in your hand. Then extend your free arm straight ahead. You can compare it to a ballerina! Can’t grab your foot? Wrap the strap around your instep or ankle and grab the end with one hand. Then make sure that your upper body faces forward and your arm is slightly bent.

Cow’s Head (Gomukhasana)

The Cow’s Head or Gomukhasana asana seems easy, but nothing could be further from the truth. In this exercise you can choose to sit up straight and then grab your hands on your back. You need a lot of shoulder flexibility to clasp your hands behind your back, so a strap can help you get started. Grab the end with the arm that brings you over the top and let the rest of the strap hang down. With your other arm you grab the rest of the belt and then you can slide your fingers up and down little by little!

Seated or Standing Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

The Sitting or Standing forward fold is the Paschimottanasana pose. Place your legs straight next to each other on your yoga mat, then bend over. Because you need to grab your feet, a belt can come in handy as an extension of your arms. If you’re not flexible enough to grab your toes, wrap the strap around the soles of your feet, then grab the strap at both ends. Keep your arms bent. Gently pull on the belt to stretch your back. This exercise can help build longer muscles, making you more limber! If you still feel discomfort try sitting on a crescent shaped yoga cushion or a folded yoga towel to relieve tension in the hips.

Check Out All of Our Yoga Products Here

grey yoga strap d ring

Get More Out of Your Yoga Session

Of course, it does not have to stop with yoga exercises with a belt during your yoga session. In addition to yoga belt exercises, you can make your session even more enjoyable with a colorful yoga mat or a handy yoga block! Read about getting started with Yoga Block in our Blog. Maybe you’ve been practicing some gentle Hatha Yoga but are looking to try something a bit more challenging.  Then Ashtanga Yoga might be for you. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or still trying to figure out the Difference Between Yoga and Pilates, you can find all your yoga inspiration at Spiru!

Are you going to try the yoga belt?


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