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Zodiac Sign Taurus – A Pleasure Seeking Realist

By Maggie 24 May 2022
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Were you born under the constellation Taurus? Chances are that you enjoy life and have a lot of perseverance. Discover all the properties in this blog!

taurus steer symbol in clouds

Taurus are born between April 21 and May 20 and represented by a steer symbol. They have one thing in common: they are real bon vivants. As a Taurus you enjoy the beautiful things in life: beautiful colors, decorations, and basically everything that stimulates the senses. Because the bull is also very fond of possessions (which they prefers not to share), they will feel at home in a beautiful yet practically furnished house. Curious about more? Read on!

Astrological Meaning of Taurus Zodiac Sign

The zodiac sign Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. In astrology, this zodiac sign is associated with the element Earth. People born in this element are concerned with beautifying their environment. The Taurus is also associated with the planet Venus, which is known for its beauty and sense of pleasure. Taurus are often materialistic people who often like to see things from the practical side. However, they are also sensitive and are quick to give in to their feelings.

brown long haired steer with horns

General Taurus Characteristics

As a bit of a hedonist, it is difficult for a Taurus to say no to a tasty snack and a good glass of wine. While traveling, you will probably prefer a luxury hotel to a camping tent, despite being independent and confident enough to rough it. Your self-confidence also leads to perseverance and determination. You like things to go your way, especially when you know you’re right. This strong and convincing character makes it challenging for you to not be critical and demanding. Your strong beliefs make it difficult for others to convince you otherwise. Your stubbornness is reflected in perseverance: you carry on when everyone else has already given up. Although bold, you don’t like changes and prefer familiarity and everyday luxuries. That is why you do not take many risks and you look for stability.

luxury tapas

Misconceptions About Taurus Zodiac Sign

Due to two of the most prominent Taurus qualities, their steadfastness and functional nature, others may find them a bit intolerant. A Taurus relies on facts and does not like small talk. As a result, they may seem cold and pessimistic, but they’re just realistic and practical. Taurus also have a reputation for being angry and aggressive, but that’s a distorted view. In real life they are usually calm and relaxed. They like relaxation and tranquility and have a calm side that wants to enjoy life peacefully. However, even if they seem laid back, don’t provoke a real Taurus because this bull will charge!

These Zodiac Signs Are A Good Match For Taurus

Curious about which zodiac sign suits Taurus? If a relationship develops between Taurus and Libra, then these partners support each other. Your stable disposition and calm, warm presence calms the unbalanced Libra. Together you can enjoy the beautiful things in life. It is also said that the Scorpio can be a good match for Taurus, but this love affair of opposites takes a lot of push and pull or give and take. Capricorn and Taurus also get along well. Both are Earth Signs which usually means a stable and positive romantic relationship. It will be fine between these two, because they will feel comfortable in a relaxed relationship. For a Taurus, it’s all about finding grounding, harmony, and balance.

couple walking on train tracks in the mist

Single Taurus in Love

The Taurus is looking for a partner who has things in order. Someone who is reliable and who they can count on. As a Taurus you also like to laugh, so someone with humor will have you wrapped around their finger. You take the time to let a relationship grow naturally. A move is only made when it is clear that a reliable, loyal relationship can develop. The Taurus will feel at ease at an art performance or a good restaurant, because as they say, the best way to the heart is through the stomach. A Taurus women like the guarantee of an honest man who can give her a secure future, so she won’t shy away from discussing finances, even on a date.

Taurus Zodiac Sign Traits in a Relationship

The Taurus Zodiac has a great need for affection and physical contact. You also like to receive compliments. Taurus is reliable, caring, devoted, and sensual. You love tradition and thrive when you can dedicate yourself completely to your partner. As a Taurus, you will give a lot to make a long-term relationship work, but you have to be careful not to set yourself aside. Taurus can be extremely jealous of anything to do with partners’ possessions, attention, and time. A Taurus man can also consider his partner as property. The Taurus woman is also jealous, but less likely to show it.

Taurus Zodiac Traits in Friendship

Taurus zodiac is easy going, but usually only has a few close friends who can be counted on one hand. This is because bulls are loyal and reliable. As a Taurus, you treat friends like family. You are direct, honest and don’t like games, so your friends know what they’re in for. Because of your practical approach and helpful nature, you like to help friends out and they often ask you for advice. Taurus likes to meet up with friends and will then go all out when it comes to snacks and drinks!

group of cattle in sunset

Taurus at Work

You don’t work fast, but you work efficiently. You take the time to make something work, as long as there are no major risks involved. Quality trumps quantity. Taurus like rest and relaxation, so you sometimes have a tendency to procrastinate. You probably like to work in a quiet environment and prefer a task without too much effort. You can work well in a team, but you also want to keep doing your own thing. Your observational gaze makes you a good advisor. The Taurus earthly character also shines through in their work. Professions that appeal to you are, for example, cook, real estate agent, baker, gardener, theater employee, or businessman or woman. Furthermore, you like financial security and therefore have a strong drive to earn a lot of money.

jar of loose change

Colors for this Zodiac Sign

Taurus is connected to nature by its earth element. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that natural colors give strength to this zodiac sign while strengthening its connection with nature. Taurus likes (slow) growth and let green just symbolize that! Bright and bold colors are not a good option, because this creates unrest. We all know not to wave a red flag at a bull!

Taurus Birthstone an the Best Crystals for Taurus

Now that you know which color suits Taurus, the birthstone of the Taurus and other Taurus crystals and gems are not difficult to guess. Green crystals are said to offer peace and harmony. An emerald could be a good Taurus gemstone for that reason. It could increase inner growth and promote balance. In difficult times, the Emerald could help you to regain an overview of your situation in order to achieve your goals. As a Taurus stone, the Emerald could have a calming effect and provide peace of mind.

Which Birthstone Suits Taurus? For April the Diamond or Rock Crystal is the Taurus stone and for May the Emerald is the Taurus birthstone. Curious which birthstone suits your zodiac sign? You can read more about it in our blog about the Meaning of Different Birthstones.

Check Out All of Our Birthstone Pendants

Other Gemstones and Minerals for Taurus

Other gems for this zodiac sign could be:

  • Sapphire
  • Aventurine
  • Rose Quartz
  • Heliotrope
  • Rhodonite
  • Shungite
  • Sunstone


The sapphire could have a strong effect on the mind and brain. The stone could provide mental peace, honesty and wisdom. It could contribute to developing more willpower and purposefulness. All good qualities of the Taurus, that this gem can really let shine.

rough cut sapphire pendant


When it comes to crystals, Taurus could use some energy that keeps their bullish nature calm. The Aventurine could have a calming and protective effect and could have a positive effect on your happiness. It could also make someone more patient, empathetic, and positive. In addition, Aventurine could have a positive effect on your creativity!

polished aventurine pendant on palo santo

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, is the stone of love. This stone is said to act on affection, passion, tenderness, and devotion. In addition, a Rose Quartz stone could help you develop self-love and self-compassion. By carrying this stone with you, you could stimulate yourself to see the beauty in yourself, another person, nature, and animals.

polished rose quartz pendant next to rock crystal


Russians (Shungiet is originally from Russia) would call Shungite the stone of comfort. It could support the processing of strong emotions, such as anger, sadness, and mourning. According to experts, Shungite could have a calming effect and help new developments, which is great for the Taurus who resists change.

shungite pendant with eye of horis


The Sunstone energy is full of joie de vivre and optimism. This stone could improve your mood! In addition, the Sunstone could provide decisiveness and self-confidence, and stimulate the self-healing capacity of the body.

sunstone orgonite obelisk

Yoga for Taurus

The earth sign Taurus takes small steps, but works hard and long. Hatha Yoga therefore fits this zodiac sign. It is a moderately intense form of yoga, in which you can balance your body, mind and energy with conscious movements. The Cow (Gomukhasana) is a good yoga position for Taurus, as it literally and figuratively releases ‘tenacity’. It acts on the neck and shoulders and allows energy to flow better.

downward dog yoga on beach

More for Spiritual Growth and Flowing Energy

The terrestrial character of Zodiac Taurus has a lot to do with nature and growth. Spring is the perfect time to get more involved with your own energy. For example, have you ever heard of Reiki? You can also get started with Chakra Stones to Balance Your Chakras, because Taurus also loves peace and balance! Or maybe try spoiling yourself with a rejuvenating Gua Sha Massage.  You’ll find plenty of ways to tame your inner bull at Spiru!

Last modification on 26 May, 2022 8:07 am

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