The gemstones are: jasper, carnelian, citrine, aventurine, sodalite, chalcedony and amethyst.
These pendulums are used in aromatherapy, herbal remedies, radionics, homeopathy, essential oil therapy, card-playing and in healing practice. Because the stones are natural products, size and color may vary.
What is a pendulum?
A pendulum is a weight on a wire or chain. This weight can be of any material or shape to suit your needs or preferences. A pendulum is often used in combination with a map. You have many different maps, from very simple (yes, no, maybe) to very extensive.
How exactly the pendulum works is not really clear to anyone. According to Albert Einstein, its working is related to the earth’s magnetic field. This is the same field that birds use to determine their location and route.
What do you use a pendulum for?
A pendulum and a dowsing rod work according to the same principle, although the dowsing rod is used more outdoors (or for water veins in the house) and the pendulum more indoors. This is due to with weather conditions that can influence the movement of the pendulum (wind).
55 mm
6th – Third Eye, 7th – Crown
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