The handmade worry dolls originally come from Guatemala. There are various worry dolls to be found in South America. They may differ slightly per village or culture. Usually the dolls are small: between one and five centimeters. The base is made of wood or wire, and the clothes of the dolls are usually made of wool or aguayo, a traditional Guatemalan fabric. When you have a problem, you can tell the worry doll about your problems before you go to sleep. He will then take it from you.
According to the legend from the high mountain villages of Guatemala, the dolls take away the worries of its owner while they are sleeping. The parents of the children in the mountain villages put one or more figures under their child’s pillow for a better night’s sleep.
Before you go to bed, tell your worries to the worry doll, who will take them over. Then place the doll under your pillow. While you sleep, the worry doll will make your problems disappear. It helps you to sleep soundly and wake up without any worries. The worries remain with the worry doll, meaning that you need to give it a little love and care to ease the discomfort the worries cause it. Do this by stroking the doll’s belly a few times.
Sharing your problems with the worry dolls can be a great way to deal with your worries. It can make you feel like you have more power over your fears and problems. If you think about it, it’s very simple. It always helps to give your worries a physical place. With a worry doll you practice this every day. The dolls are used as a type of dream catcher and as amulets, allowing you to naturally rid yourself of your daily anxieties. The problem will not be solved, but you can give your concerns away for a while.
Worry Dolls can be helpful to anyone who needs to clear their mind for a bit. The dolls are especially suitable for children who sleep poorly or who worry a lot. The worry dolls are also suitable for stressed workers, expectant mothers, or other adults with great worries or who are restless sleepers. They are also widely used in hospitals to reassure sick children.
There are different types of worry dolls. Every worry doll has its own story and use. Yet there are many similarities between dolls from different cultures. They are also used as good luck charms, as small talismans for love, health, or something else good. These are almost always handmade to fit in a pocket. Most dolls are between ten and twenty millimetres in size.
The worry dolls are often kept in boxes or cloth bags. Some children or adults have a set of six worry dolls. For example, they have a different worry doll for every day of the week so that the dolls can also rest for a day.
The tradition is so strong that there are even stories about how it works. Anthony Browne brought the legend to millions of homes around the world with ‘Silly Billy’. The story is about Billy, a boy who sleeps poorly because of his great worries. After trying everything, his grandmother tells him about worry dolls and how they can take away his worries.
You can also buy worry dolls to give as gifts. The family of three worry dolls would take away the worries of a family with a child. There is also, for example, a separate worry doll for career, one for fear of failure, for worries about money, but also one for the traveler. For a better night’s sleep or fewer nightmares, Dream Catchers are also a good option. The worry dolls are also used as Lucky Charms. That is why you can also buy a lot of lucky dolls in our webshop. Happiness can be found at Spiru!
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