This cleanse your home package consists of:
This smudge set is especially assembled by Spiru for home smudging. Smudging is the energetic cleaning of spaces and persons. It is thought to create peace and harmony. The set is used for:
The Abalone Shell represents the element water, one of the elements that should be present during smudging. The shell is that of the Abalone sea slug and was sourced from Chile. The natural air holes make this strong shell very suitable as a bowl for smudging. To prevent overheating and burning of the mother-of-pearl, place a layer of sand in the shell.
Smudge sticks are individual sage leaves tied together with string to form a stick White Sage leaves come from the Salvia Apiana tree, which is native to Northwest Mexico and California. White Sage has been used for centuries for smoking ceremonies and other rituals. Today the herb is cultivated especially for cleansing rituals.
The Palo Santo wood comes from the Bursera Graveolens tree from South America. It is also called “purifying wood” or “holy wood.” The slowly smoldering wood is known for its positive and cleansing effects. In addition, the sweet, gentle scent is said to have a relaxing effect.
In a Smudge Ceremony the White Sage is used to expel negative energies and the Palo Santo wood is used to fill an energy field or space with positive energy. This is how you use the Purify Your Home package as a complete smudge set:
Caution: Keep out of reach children, keep away from flammable materials
For the real smudgers and large spaces there we also have a wide assortment of Smudge Sticks and Smudge Supplies such as charcoal and cauldrons. For setting down a warm Abalone Shell, a fireproof bowl can be handy. Fan of the sweet, calming scent of Palo Santo? Also take a look at the hand-rolled Incense. Peace and tranquility can be found at Spiru!
If you want to use our smudge set more often, read our blog about cleansing your home with White Sage. Here you will find more tips and tricks that can come in handy during a smudge ceremony!
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