Tara is the wife of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. When the enlightened bodhisattva (the one who enlightens) shed tears of compassion, a lake arose at his feet from which grew a lotus flower. From this lotus arose the loving goddess Tara. Since then, she has been honored in Central, South and South-East Asia as the mother of all people for many centuries. You could compare her to Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Anyone who seeks her protection will find a loving mother in her. Tara is the female Buddha, the first woman to come to enlightenment. The name means: “star”, or “the one who brings liberation”. It helps man as a leading star on his way through life and on his spiritual path. Tara stands for maternal protection and cherishment. Women, in particular, seek her wisdom, consolation and help when they are in need and seek a way out of the problems that life raises. Tara can be a very practical and quick force. In her manifestation as a white Tara, she achieves her greatest peace and gentleness. It is the goddess of medicine, the one who gives a long life. She is patient, brings calm and tranquillity, frees us from our worries and peaks. She is full of love and compassion, comforting and cherishing. White Tara only feels love, joy and happiness and radiates it in all directions. The white light that shines around her and radiates enlightenment and liberation. Dorje of Vajra is the Sanskrit word for both lightning and diamond and is considered a ritual or spiritual attribute, mainly in Buddhism but also in Hinduism. In Tibetan, the word village of the same name is used frequently as a man in Tibet and Bhutan. It also often refers to a small sceptre held in the right hand by Tibetan tantric practitioners during ceremonies, and with which a number of statues of the Buddha are equipped. The Dorje, also known as Vajra, destroys all kinds of ignorance and is itself indestructible. In Tantric rituals he symbolizes the male principle for methodology and compassion, while the corresponding bell in the left hand indicates the female principle and wisdom.
8×36 cm
© 2025 Spiru
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